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History Blogs


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Hello! It's been a few months since I posted. I'm currently working on creating a departmental history blog and the professors have a lot of ideas floating around. Does anyone have a blog they particularly enjoy or find insightful? Does your department have one? I'm trying to streamline their ideas and I wanted to see what was already out there.



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I know this is about blogs, but I would also check out some of the university podcasts and follow their twitter feeds. Most post links to stuff.

On a side note (maybe this should be in a different feed?) I am looking to have access to databases/periodicals, but my library privileges have ended...and I don't really want to buy access. Advice?

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Are you close enough to a university or college that you could get a library membership? Policies are different from school to school but if you could get one, you'd be able to use their databases but may be restricted to using them in the library. Sometimes large local libraries are able to help you out in the inter library loan route. And, of course, if you're near the Library of Congress you can go there to access databases. I'd just find the largest libraries near you and see what they have to offer.

I have never listened to a university podcast but will have to look it up now! I also checked out the Exeter blog and it's really neat! They have an online free class starting mid-September if anyone is interested.

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