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Strengthen/weaken question and Function questions on verbal reasoning


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Hi folks

Its really crazy how some of these above two question types can be turn out being extremely mind boggling. I am interested in getting the answer if anyone here has their own unique strategies to crack these sort of questions or have found some special patterns that commonly occur in such question which have proven to be helpful. Thanks.

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Hi GreCracker,

How are you performing in the Verbal section overall? Have you taken any MSTs (and what were your Quant and Verbal scores?)?

I ask because while the above question types can sometimes be tough, they're still a relatively small piece of your GRE Verbal score. It might be that you're missing out on a much larger 'chunk' of points in some other categories (that you should focus on first).

GRE Masters aren't born, they're made,


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Hi Rich

You can't overcome the proper formula unless you have all the elements in place, and the verbal section is one such case where you need to cover it in all respects.

I was checking about these two types of questions as they are different from other general form of questions in that they have no  restrictions on what outside angle these options might have and will actually be the right answer.

Also which test would you actually say are the closest in content to the real ETS tests?

Good day.




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Hi GreCracker,

I'd still like to know how you're performing on your MSTs (including the Quant and Verbal Scores). If you're missing out on too many Verbal points overall, then focusing on these rarer categories is not the best use of your study time (it would be the equivalent of having terrible scores in the Quant section and then focusing on hard Probability questions during practice).

In the broader sense, taking lots of MSTs is NOT how you will improve your scores either. An MST is just a 'measuring device' - skill improvement comes from learning Tactics, doing practice and review, making mistakes and then working to fix those mistakes, etc.

GRE Masters aren't born, they're made,


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hey GRE Cracker,

A couple of tips:

For strengthen / weaken:

1. Paraphrase the argument on paper. This is crucial! You need to be able to state it exactly.

2. For strengthen, look for a choice that shoots down a potential objection. For weaken, the choice should raise an objection.

3. The opposite of your answer choice should do the opposite of what you're trying to do. I.e., if you're trying to strengthen the argument, the opposite of the right answer choice should weaken it.

You didn't ask about "paradox" style logic questions, but you should paraphrase the paradox and look for a choice that allows both things to co-exist.

For function, practice classifying the surrounding sentences. What are they: author argument, opponent's argument, support, conclusion, etc. You can also build this skill by classifying each sentence in the passage.

Practice with ETS, and supplement with the GMAT, yes, GMAT verbal review. It's the closest thing to ETS logic (ETS modeled its logic questions on it).

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@ Rich: You are missing my point here. I am not actually trying to figure out whereabouts of the puzzle pieces I have collected but that altogether they fit in to give the entire picture.

Again you are taking the wrong point from here, I didn't ask about MST as I was done with one source of test and was jumping onto another round but rather which test writers have the best repute here for being legit.

And thanks Vince. Those were some handy tips.

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