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MA in Art History + Curating Fall 2016


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Hello world!

I'm long out of undergrad (finished in 2009), and this winter I will finally be applying to Master's programs in Art History/Curating for the fall of 2016. My focus is decidedly on contemporary art practices. Areas of particular interest are the post-human, feminism, techno-culture, emergent new-dada and surrealism, sub-cultures, digital spaces, and urbanism. It is my intention to expand (and legitimize) my work as a curator by pursuing a post-graduate degree. I imagine that this will be a terminal program for me, at least for the next 5 years. My list in order of preference, I think, is: 

Bard CCS
Williams MA in Art History
California College of the Arts (CCA) MA in curatorial practice
Glasgow School of Art MLitt in curatorial practice
CalArts MA in Aesthetics and Politics

Wonder if anyone else on this forum has applied, or is applying to a similar group of programs and has any bon mots about the programs and their differing philosophies beyond the happy, shiny world of their enticing websites. Am I missing any great programs off my list?



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  • 5 months later...

Hi! I applied in this area, too. Was wondering if you heard from Bard CCS yet?

I've been accepted to:

RCA - MA Curating
Goldsmiths - MFA Curating

MICA - MFA Curating

Nothing yet:
SAIC - MA Visual & Critical Studies (they said no interviews)
UC Irvine - MFA Critical & Curatorial Studies
Bard (was told no interviews, but?)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been accepted to Williams, which I know is a phenomenal program. But, I have a fully funded PhD offer at Boston University. Could Williams propel me to something better? Should I take that on the chance or take BU?

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19 hours ago, m-artman said:

I have been accepted to Williams, which I know is a phenomenal program. But, I have a fully funded PhD offer at Boston University. Could Williams propel me to something better? Should I take that on the chance or take BU?

I would think long and hard about your professional goals and whether BU is going to be the best place for them. If the Williams offer is unfunded, then it's certainly more tempting to take the BU offer. I'm in a slightly different situation - I only applied to MA programs and was accepted and funded at Williams. All of the professors and museum professionals that I've spoken with about it have basically said that a degree from Williams is the gold standard, and that it will definitely help to open the door to the doctoral program of my choice. One former visiting professor at Williams told me that the year they were there, the program sent 3 students to Harvard and 2 to Yale, and there are currently at least 6 Columbia doctoral candidates who went through the program, or attended Williams as undergrads.

If you are happy going to BU and are happy with the job prospects that will bring, then go for it, but if your goal is HYP, then Williams would certainly help. 

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4 hours ago, noprovenance said:

I would think long and hard about your professional goals and whether BU is going to be the best place for them. If the Williams offer is unfunded, then it's certainly more tempting to take the BU offer. I'm in a slightly different situation - I only applied to MA programs and was accepted and funded at Williams. All of the professors and museum professionals that I've spoken with about it have basically said that a degree from Williams is the gold standard, and that it will definitely help to open the door to the doctoral program of my choice. One former visiting professor at Williams told me that the year they were there, the program sent 3 students to Harvard and 2 to Yale, and there are currently at least 6 Columbia doctoral candidates who went through the program, or attended Williams as undergrads.

If you are happy going to BU and are happy with the job prospects that will bring, then go for it, but if your goal is HYP, then Williams would certainly help. 

Thank you for the advice. I am currently on the wait list for a fellowship, but the director of the department said that he is optimistic that I will receive funding. So, we will see. I think I'm leaning this direction. I just needed some reassurance (and thanks to the folks how PM'd me) to help carry me this direction of the funding comes through. 

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On 3/8/2016 at 11:32 AM, m-artman said:

I have been accepted to Williams, which I know is a phenomenal program. But, I have a fully funded PhD offer at Boston University. Could Williams propel me to something better? Should I take that on the chance or take BU?

I'm a current undergrad at BU, and with our program it really comes down to your advisor. Feel free to PM if you have questions about the program/Boston.

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Here's an update on my applications. Happy to talk about my background & what I did to prepare for applying to grad school. I mostly applied to curating programs, but some exceptions (noted.) Really floored by the good fortune!:

UC Irvine: MFA Critical & Curatorial Studies - Accepted w/full tuition funding, TAships, 3,000 in stipends for curating exhibitions (whaaaaaaat)
Bard CCS - Accepted, waiting to hear financial package. Knows I have the Irvine offer and said they would try to compete
MICA - Accepted, 15k scholarship
Goldsmiths - Accepted, waiting on scholarship
SAIC MA Visual & Critical Studies - Accepted, no scholarship, but FAFSA grants & loans
RCA - Accepted, no funding
Wesleyan Institute for Curatorial Practice in Performance - Notifies by April 1. Low-residency program. Kind of forgot I applied here, whoops!

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