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Philosophy Admission for Sept. 2007


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jcksrbetter: What is the package like at USC? Were you offered funding?

 I only submitted it on Feb 1. I just got my pin/password to check on the status of my admission the other day. In the letter, it was said that they just forwarded my application to the phil. dept.

I hate having an Internet connection. I am checking my E-mail every 20 mins. Okay gotta go and check my E-mail.

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I forgot WashU's deadline was later than a lot other programs. They'll probably start sending out official acceptances in a few weeks. So what are your interests? Mine are pretty broad - probably mind first and foremost, followed closely by language, logic, and metaphysics.

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My interests are fairly broad as well. However, I would like to specialize in phil. mind/cog. sci. I also dabble in phil. language / semantics. I would like to learn a bit more about ancient philosophy, especially Aristotle.

What's your top choice? I would like to get into Rutgers, but people are always surprised to hear that my top choice is MIT. I just think that their students are typically the best coming out into the job market.

Okay. It has been a few minutes. Have to check my E-mail again.

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applied: mit, nyu, rutgers, princeton. no word, bad odds.

congrats to person on usc. i think usc is the best place to study language. of course, ur AOS is phil logic, so usc probably isn't ideal in your mind, but those dudes would be excellent to work w/ nonetheless. soames is a warrior.

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Thanks. USC isn't MIT, but given that my interests in logic are more philosophical than mathematical (ontology, commitment, adequacy w/r/t natural language), it's pretty tempting. My only worry is the math dept. They don't have a logician...I guess I could sit in at classes at UCLA.

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I sent an e-mail to a staff member at Rutgers inquiring about the status of my application. The reply was that not all offers have been made yet. It would be sweet if people would do that at some of the other programs (e.g. NYU and Princeton!)...I really hate sending such e-mails, but it appears to me that they don't go beyond staff members and that it goes basically un-noticed.

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I was called relatively late -- between 8 and 9 EST. Judging from whogotin, it seems at least a few others were called around that time. I couldn't tell you anything about a waitlist or whether there are more offers to be made.

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I wonder whether I could ask you philosophers a quick question. I am studying political studies with a political theorist/philosophy focus (am not starting that debate). I have applied and have been accepted to Harvard and Yale for PolSci/Government, but have trouble deciding.

One factor, for me, would be the strength of the philosophy department in political philosophy. Do you have any thoughts on this?

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