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First time posting...

Anyway, I am taking the GRE next Saturday, so I am in the homestretch. In preparation, I decided to visit the test centre earlier today before I take another practice test. When I arrive, I was told by the security guard that the testing centre (Prometric) has been moved to another location for several months now. I managed to get a phone number, and when I called, the lady on the other end told me that I would have been informed the day before my test. I was pretty upset that I was not told of this earlier and that I needed to find out myself. If I didn't try to visit the testing centre first, then I would only find out that my testing location changed the day before.

has anyone else experienced or heard of anything like this?


Hi aznbeggerap,

That IS an odd scenario (and not particularly professional of Prometric). How long ago did you sign up for the GRE? When you used the Scheduler, did it list any information about the Test Center's current status/location? If you can list the original location of the Center and its current location now, we might be able to do something about it (inform ETS, other Test Takers, etc.).

GRE Masters aren't born, they're made,



Hi Rich,

Thanks for the reply! I'm based in New York City and I originally registered for testing centre at 111 Livingston St in Brooklyn but the new location is 122 E 42nd St in Manhattan. I signed up in early May, which in my opinion is pretty long ago. I'm a pretty careful person, so I have no doubt that I would have noticed that the location has been changed if some notification was given. Do you reckon it is worthwhile to notify ETS?


Hi aznbeggerap,

Yes, I would absolutely report it to ETS (for no other reason than they might have some mis-information in their system that needs to be 'fixed'). When you originally registered, did you receive a confirmation email about the location? If you haven't received any notifications at all, Is it possible that a notification went to a different email address that you might have used (during registration), or possibly your spam folder? 

GRE Masters aren't born, they're made,


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