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Should I retake GRE with these scores?


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I have completed my Undergraduate studies in Chemical Engineering from one of the NITs of India. My GRE scores are as follows:

Q :167

V: 150 

AW : 4

My Undergraduate GPA stands at 9.46 out of 10( with two semester GPAs 10/10). And, fortunately, I happened to be the topper of my university and received Director's Gold medal. 

I am employed  as Production Engineer by the National Oil and Gas company of India  since 2011( 4 years work experience)

I have done a couple of projects during my undergraduate studies. Details of which are as follows :

1. A study of photoelectrolysis using chlorophyll electrodes- A step towards Environmental friendly and Greener Solar cells.

2. Synthesis and Characterization of CdS nanoparticles.

3. Modelling and Simulation of a Plate Tower Column using Matlab and Aspen HiSys.

Also, I have undergone a 2 months paid Summer research Internship at Dept. of Chemical Engineering IISc, Bangalore  during which I completed a project on "Optimization and Minisation of Determination Method of Flouride in Water by Zirconium-SPADNS method" which was a sub-part of a Government agency funded project aimed at realizing a small and handy kit for analysis of quality of Drinking Water.

I want to apply for MS in Petroleum Engineering UT Austin, TAMU , Penn State and U Louisiana at Lafayette. Also, I would like to apply for MSCEP program of MIT.

My Verbal Score is on the lower side. Kindly suggest whether I should retake GRE .

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