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Columbia Journalism -MA vs MS? Chances?


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Hello! I am looking for some information on whether to apply to Columbia's MS or MA programs, and wondering whether someone here -- who has been accepted or rejected -- from Columbia journalism school could give me some insight.

Here's my gist: I graduated with a 3.7 GPA in journalism from NYU in 2011. Since then, I was an editor a silly leftist news website for two years and freelance for two years. I haven't done any hardhitting investigations, mostly some newsy stuff, lists, and shorter reported features. I've been published on RollingStone.com, the Guardian US, VICE, and the Nation, and have dozens and dozens of bylines, but like I said, nothing spectacular.

I have a letter of recommendation from a Columbia professor in the psychiatry department (I'm applying MA Journalism & Science), a RollingStone.com editor, and possibly an NYU professor. Anyone know whether I should go with the NYU professor (Who worked at the NYT, which seems more prestigious than my 25-year-old editors elsewhere) or another professional connection instead --- like a VICE editor? Since I'm going MA, does it make sense to ditch my NYU professor's letter of recommendation for an editor's? How important is work experience vs education for this program?

 I'm applying MA since I've been in the field for a while, but have no idea how to gauge my chances of being accepted. Should I apply to both MA and MS? How much experience is necessary before you can decide to go the MA route?

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