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Harvard-MIT MEMP Program with CS Background


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I am interested in building technology to help people in the medical field, and I have some computer science publications related to this area. I have a Bachelors and Masters degree in Computer Science focusing on human-computer interaction for health, and have also taken multiple computational genomics courses. I have never taken a pure biology / natural science course at the university level. I have an otherwise strong application (test scores, GPA, rec letters, computer science publications).

Am I likely to not get in due to my lack of coursework in the natural sciences or biomedical engineering? Is this program suitable for someone like me who wants to take some of the medical coursework offered in the program but coming in with a primarily technical background?

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Just to clear up any misconceptions, less than half of MEMPs did an undergrad in biomedical engineering. In my class, it's about 1/3. The rest did more technical degrees (EE, mech E, physics, etc.). I don't specifically know of any people who did just CS with no biology experience, but there are a couple people with electrical engineering or physics background in a similar situation as you -- although having computational genomics classes is good. I think not having any natural science classes would make the med school part tough, but I would guess that it isn't a disqualifying factor for admissions.

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