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Seattle, WA


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I'm sorry, but I just wrote a very long entry and it got deleted. I'm frustrated, and so, this entry will be shorter and more concise. I apologize.

I've been to Seattle before and I really loved it. I'm thinking of applying to the following schools for psychology-related MA degrees. Please tell me what you think of each school, what it's reputation is etc. 

I appreciate your help.


Seattle University

Western Washington  - What is Bellingham like?






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I'm originally from Washington and graduated from college in Seattle :) Bastyr and Northwest are...meh. Seattle U is fantastic and has a great reputation, and Western is also great. I grew up very close to Bellingham and it's a fantastic place to live, especially if you love outdoor activities. It's slower-paced than a big city like Seattle (Bellingham is called the City of Subdued Excitement for a reason!) but there's still a lot to do and experience while you're up there. They have a beautiful campus. Is there a specific type of counseling psychology you're looking at? You might also take a look at Antioch University or Seattle Pacific University.

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I've lived in Seattle my whole life and also went to undergrad there, so hopefully I can help a little! I'd definitely agree that Seattle Pacific University is a strong school and worth considering as well, but I'm not sure what they offer as far as MA counseling/clinical psych programs. I know they have a marriage and family therapy MA program and a strong I/O psych program, but I'm not sure besides that.

Seattle U has a good reputation and I know a few people who currently attend who are really happy there. It's right in the heart of the city, within walking distance of downtown. Western is also a great school with a lot to offer. I haven't been up to Bellingham much, but it has a very different feel from Seattle. Depending on what you like about Seattle, it may or may not have what you are looking for. It's in a very beautiful area of Washington!

Honestly, I would not recommend Northwest. It doesn't have as high of a reputation as the other schools, though, to be fair, I don't know a lot about their graduate-level programs/quality of training.

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