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vilanelle--that's totally a guess about stanford. Let's say on the 10 side of 20? Yes, I had an interview before getting the email, in which I feel like the person (I'd rather not say who) almost told me directly that I was admitted and they wanted to make sure I was still interested. So I was a bit surprised about the alternate list email, to say the least.

Re: Chicago--I don't think it's that old school (it's always been considered a "postmodern" department) and it may be the "easiest" to get into (not easy by any stretch, but they accept more people than other places) of the best departments.

Medanth--I sent you a PM but I now think it could be anything, I hadn't realized before you were doing a joint phd, which are often notified at different times from others. They could make it easier by sending all notifications for a program at the same time so if you saw some rejections from chicago you could feel better.

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btw--Looks like we have similar schools and responses, devindavenport...no Michigan for you?

We do have similar profiles:

I did apply to Yale and had a phone interview. I decided not to apply to Michigan. Im also waiting for Harvard, Princeton, Columbia (not anthro), Brown, Berkeley and a few others. I got a rejection from Cornell (science studies). I also had an interview at MIT

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vilanelle--that's totally a guess about stanford. Let's say on the 10 side of 20? Yes, I had an interview before getting the email, in which I feel like the person (I'd rather not say who) almost told me directly that I was admitted and they wanted to make sure I was still interested. So I was a bit surprised about the alternate list email, to say the least.

Re: Chicago--I don't think it's that old school (it's always been considered a "postmodern" department) and it may be the "easiest" to get into (not easy by any stretch, but they accept more people than other places) of the best departments.


This is true about Chicago (on both accounts). Also, the same person at Stanford said the same thing to me and in the same tone. I was also surprised to get the alternate status. The person seemed very intent on gauging my interest. But remember that at the level of Stanford, people will have also gotten into similar types fo schools and so the yield for Stanford (of those who accept offers) may be in fact quite low. I know for a fact that multiple alternates have gotten in (but later on when the first class decline the offer)

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