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When is the First admission round in UToronto's code of ethics?!


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I'm an international student, has who applied for M.A.Sc. in ECE program at UToronto.

Based on the applied correspondences between my potential supervisor and the graduate admission, I am supposed to be admitted within the first round of admission.

The deadline for this fall-starting program is Jan 1st 2016 and the processing would be started on Jan 8th 2016.


Does anybody have idea about the exact time of the first round admission in this case?!


Thanks in advance.

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I'm not sure what you mean by "code of ethics"? 

Some schools admit students in multiple rounds. They make offers to people that want the most first, and then based on how many of those accept, they make additional offers later to fill the class. So, I think what the professor means is that they think you are a competitive/strong applicant and that you would be one of the initial group that gets an offer. 

There's no set timing for this. It likely varies from year to year because it happens after the admissions committee can get together and make decisions. This depends on the professor's schedules. You can use the "Results survey" of TheGradCafe to find out when people have heard from this program in the past: http://thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php

A search for Toronto and ECE shows that the earliest result listed was an interview request at the end of January and the earliest acceptance listed is mid-February. So, I think that is a good guess to when you would expect to hear back. If you find this useful, make sure you take the time to post your own results when you get them, so you can help future students! Good luck :) 

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To the future applicants, might who have the same concern:

I did receive the email of admission offer (1st round of admission) corresponding to ECE department at UToronto on Feb. 16.

So one could conclude that Feb 16-17 would be the releasing dates for this department's 1st round of admission.

Good luck

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