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Deadlines Computer Science


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I just got my first reject and I want to prepare for the possibility that I dont get an admit to any of the schools I've applied. Can anyone tell me any schools which are good for Computer Science whose deadlines have not passed yet? I know NYU and Columbia are two such schools. Thanks!

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I'm a bit confused -- are you asking for schools that are still accepting applications so you can submit a few more? I wouldn't assume that one rejection means you will be rejected everywhere. It's competitive, so a lot (A LOT!) of well qualified applicants can't be accepted. It's somewhat a matter of luck as to which faculty/admissions reader will be receptive at which school.... Hang in there!

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On 1/26/2016 at 0:55 PM, svent said:

If you have a reasonably distributed list of schools and get rejected everywhere, you should aim lower for your backup plans. Columbia is not a backup school.

Right, of course, I'd be lucky to get accepted to any of my top 8 choices (of which columbia is one). But I want to prepare for the possibility that I severely overestimated my chances when applying. I am still interested in starting my MS in the fall of 2016 so I was wondering if there are any deadlines that haven't passed yet


21 hours ago, emmm said:

I'm a bit confused -- are you asking for schools that are still accepting applications so you can submit a few more? I wouldn't assume that one rejection means you will be rejected everywhere. It's competitive, so a lot (A LOT!) of well qualified applicants can't be accepted. It's somewhat a matter of luck as to which faculty/admissions reader will be receptive at which school.... Hang in there!

Thanks so much for your kindness! Yes that is what I am asking for, and yes of course I hope someone will admit me soon! But just in case, I'm trying to prepare a shortlist of schools I can apply to immediately after getting rejects.

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Some schools have Spring admission....https://gradschool.wsu.edu/degrees/factsheet/1317/http://graduateschool.colostate.edu/Programs/computer-science/cpsc-phd/ (also has Feb 1 deadlline for Fall)

I would guess it would be more the state schools you'd need to look at, rather than private universities.


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Okay. When I was making a list of schools, I only applied to places ranked in the top 50. I had a reasonable distribution. I also made a list of some schools ranked around 50-100 to apply to in case I didn't get in anywhere. Lots of the schools ranked below 50 have very late deadlines (like July). I already got in somewhere, but here's a list of schools with late deadlines off the top of my head (again, these aren't top schools -- if I weren't good enough to get in to a top school, I would have accepted that): NC State, Florida, UI Chicago, Delaware, UT Dallas, FSU, UNM.

If you want better schools with open deadlines (meaning 2/1 or later, not 4/15 or later), there's still GT, UPenn, Colorado State, Minnesota, UNC.

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Can anybody tell me whether there would be waiting list for MS in CS in Top universities like USCD,CMU,USC,UCI  if some of the students decline the offer  ,if they get an offer in a University of their choice, if so till what time we can wait for FALL 2016.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/27/2016 at 9:34 AM, svent said:

Lots of the schools ranked below 50 have very late deadlines (like July).


Some schools have a different deadline for applicants who need a financial aid. UI Chicago closed at Jan 15 if I remember correctly.

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