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university ranking vs. program ranking


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Hey, I would like to know some of the criteria you are using (or have used) to choose the best offer. Among many many questiones, I've wondering if I should prioritize the university ranking or the ranking of the program.  This is the first questions that I have. I also wonder if rankings are that important. Some people tell me I should choose based on where I would feel better, or live better, and that I should not choose ranking as a criteria. So, what do you think?

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The program or department ranking matters far more than the university ranking. I definitely prioritized where I wanted to live, but I also didn't really apply to programs in places I wasn't willing to move to for 5-6 years.

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3 hours ago, anampozo said:

and that I should not choose ranking as a criteria

unless rankings are all very close, I'd put a lot of weight on the program's ranking. your life will be mostly campus-home-campus, and I believe the academic career requires one to not be picky in terms of place to live as long as it is financially feasible.

it's a big decision, so many things should matter: your personality / advisor's style, atmosphere in the dpt, placement records - there's lots written about that on this forum. gather as much info as possible through campus visits, talks with your current profs, skype with upper-year students... hopefully the stars will align in a way that the decision is obvious.

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