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Real World experience vs academics


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I was having a conversation with a friend one day about those applying to grad school while a senior in college vs those that have graduated for 2+ years and are now applying. Do you think working a number of jobs related to the grad program(I have worked as a research assistant in several cognitive labs as well as working in a clinical psych treatment center, children's care center, and currently as a technician for a very popular company-PM if you want details) you're applying to looks better than someone who has just come straight out of undergrad with a thesis and a few semesters of independent study? I understand it varies depending on the area of study and degree you're aiming for but in my friends eyes you look better as a canidate if you've done more things outside of undergrad. Thoughts?

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"looks better" is a little bit difficult to assess, as there can be superstar undergrads who are set for graduate school vs. a previously mediocre student taking time off to reassess their ambitions. 

What experiences like these *can* do is help illustrate your interest of the subject and perhaps give you a more nuanced way of looking at the world...providing you with extra stuff to talk about in your personal statement (and helping to differentiate yourself from the rest), and basically contribute to making a case for your "maturity" as a student and colleague. 

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