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Interview Date coming up- no word!


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If you haven't been invited, or heard any other news, there's a good chance you aren't being invited or accepted. There is still some time to be invited, but not much. Also, some people get accepted without an interview invite, but it depends on your program and the school. 

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Well, I've been told it is to see how you interact with the group before being accepted, as it is a small cohort. But Friday I was told decisions had not yet been made, and we would be notified either way once decisions were final. 

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As in "decisions on the interviewing have not been made" or "acceptance decisions have not been made"? Because it is common that if you are not chosen for an interview, you will have a significantly smaller chance of being accepted in general. 

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Unfortunately, it sounds like you weren't chosen to move forward in the process. Their first-round candidates seem like they've already been chosen and informed. It is likely they'll extend offers only from that group. There is a slight possibility that this isn't the case, but I would just count it as a rejection and being pleasantly surprised if it's not. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not that anybody really cares, but figured I'd update you. My application was under review for several weeks because of concern over the possibility of an unethical dual relationship between myself and a faculty member with whom I previously had a therapeutic relationship. My application was accepted to move on in the process, however, it was decided that my previous relationship would be an issue of concern if I were accepted. Bummer. 

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