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Better Rank vs Better Quality of Life


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So I have been lucky enough to be accepted to both Harvard BBS and UCSD Biomedical Science. Obviously, Harvard has a name that anyone would recognize, brilliant research, and a great city but I am worried about the rumors you hear about how cut-throat it is. People keep telling me that there is competition within labs, and people sabotaging work, and I'm not sure I can work like that. 

On the other hand, while UCSD may not be as "highly" ranked, it still has a lot of research I am interested in, a great city, and I think the possibility of a better quality of life due to a less cut-throat environment and the fact it is always sunny.

I guess what I am saying is- can anyone speak to if the rumors are true at Harvard BBS, or if they have chosen between the better academic school or the better quality of life school before, and why the chose how they did?

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I spent a summer working at Harvard Medical School with professors that are BBS faculty, and got to interact with plenty. I'd say that these rumors are mostly unfounded given that the people there seemed very friendly, the graduate students were happy, and the labs seemed collaborative. Of course, there's going to be cutthroat PI's and labs everywhere, but that's not the vibe I got at all, which comes as a surprise since I went in thinking that it going to be super intensive.

tl;dr I'd go for Harvard.

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Having done research at Harvard for a few years, I would say a few things. First, there is collaboration, but it can be very cliquey. There are groups of PIs that work together and that's how it is. Regarding the graduate students that I know (most in BBS, n = ~20), what I would say is that there are grad students that are here to do the best that they can and be competitive within the program. Those are the grad students making it out in 5-5.5 years. There are grad students that are more relaxed and not focused on competing. Those are the ones that are on the 6.5-7 year track. There's a lot of opportunity, but you're expected to really work for it and want to compete, play the game, whatever word choice you use (and that's true whether you're a tech, grad student, or postdoc).

That said, regarding your specific concerns: I've never heard of someone's work getting sabotaged. And there may be competition between labs (just look at the competition between cancer research at MGH and cancer research at DFCI). But within your lab, I think the only competition that you may face is for your PIs time, and you'll probably find that anywhere.

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Thank you both for the feedback, that definitely makes me feel better about what I have heard from rumors. It definitely seems as though Harvard is a go and get it kind of school, so you have to put the effort in, but I would expect that from any school and am more than willing. 

Thanks again!!

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Go to the school where you can see yourself thriving for 5-6 years. Harvard has an amazing reputation, but so does UCSD. People have told me to make a list and rank the schools based on certain qualities that you think are important. If you tally up the numbers and are disappointed with the outcome, then you have your answer. 

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