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FSU vs UCSB vs UCLA - stats phd

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Well $1 goes a lot farther in Tallahassee than it does in California AND they are offering more. I don't think the money will matter that much though?

UCLA doesn't have qualifying exams if that entices you. It sure makes it tempting to me. UCLA and FSU also have great college sports (and LA has major pro teams) so to me it'd be between those. I think I would have a hard time living in such a big city. FSU has name recognition in the southeast and UCLA is pretty well known everywhere.

I'd probably pick UCLA.

Edit: Would you mind posting your stats? # of REUs, GPA range, GRE ect? Nothing that you feel would identify you but UCLA and FSU are on my list of schools and I am curious where I stack up

Edited by jgilbertunr
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If finances weren't an issue, I'd agree with the above two. However that FSU stipend seems very good for its location. 

It also depends on how the programs are perceived. It appears like USNEWS doesn't really think there's a huge difference between the two programs. However, the NRC rankings heavily favor UCLA.

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4 hours ago, jgilbertunr said:

Edit: Would you mind posting your stats? # of REUs, GPA range, GRE ect? Nothing that you feel would identify you but UCLA and FSU are on my list of schools and I am curious where I stack up

3.7 gpa, 165 V 166 Q 5.0 W

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Is $22k even livable in LA?

From a cost of living calculator I've used before (see pic, available at http://www.bestplaces.net/cost-of-living/) it looks like that $28k offer from FSU corresponds to a stipend of almost $50k (!!) from UCLA.



Edited by cyberwulf
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2 hours ago, jgilbertunr said:

I've always wondered how the stipends in California and New york aren't double the stipends of midwestern or southern schools. 

Well, they sometimes are. Based on my great sample size of 1+1 offers from these areas, public southern schools might offer something like 19k per year, while private California universities seem to double it.

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