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Living in Amherst-MA on about 12,000 a year.


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Hi all,

I have just learned that I have been admitted to a PhD program at UMass. I have been offered a TAship of about 12,000 a year, but there are around 1,300 in fees which are not remitted.

I would like to ask you if you think it is possible to live on that in Amherst-MA. I am a single international student, planning to live with a roommate and use the 5-college area public transportation system. I have some savings with which to meet installation and extra costs, but I would like to be able to cover regular costs with my TAship!

Any thoughts will be appreciated!

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Oh, man, that's just scummy. The official "poverty level" for someone living alone in the US (the point at or below which a person is considered to be living in poverty) is $10,488 a year. A lot of schools will give you juuuussssstttt enough that you won't fall under that level - but not a penny more. Sounds like UMass falls into that category.

At any rate - yes, it is possible to live there on that amount of money, but you will be living very, very frugally. If you have other debt or outside bills that you have to pay every month, that answer is probably "no," but if you can get rid of any extraneous monthly expenses outside of the bare minimum (no pets, loans, etc) then you can do it. Getting a roommate will be crucial, because your rent and other shareable bills will be cheaper.

Also, when you fill out your employment/tax forms (the W-2, which you will complete before you are allowed to work as a TA), put yourself down as "Head of Household" or otherwise increase the number of exemptions you claim. This way, you will have less money taken out for taxes each month (though you will still have to pay them at the end of the year).

I always thought that it goes without saying that you should shop at cheap grocers, but I am constantly dumbfounded at how many poor college students shop at places like Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. It is likely that your cohorts will push you towards places like that. Ignore them. Find the local ethnic groceries (Asian and Latino markets are best) and do your grocery shopping there. You will save 1000-2000 a year (I am dead serious).

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