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Western Carolina??

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I saw on the results that WCU has sent out a few acceptances and rejections. I also received an e-mail at the beginning of March that decisions are still being made. It's been two weeks and I was just wondering if anyone has heard anything?


Thanks :)

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Nope, I haven't heard anything either! I'm thinking (hoping, really) that they'll start sending out the second tier soon, since it's been a few weeks since they sent out the first tier

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I e-mailed WCU this morning and received back:

"The first round admission letters have been sent out.  You are on the waitlist but the first round has until April 15th to let us know of their decision so it will be another couple of weeks before the next step is taken."

So I guess if we haven't heard anything it means we're all wait listed? I just think it was strange that they didn't send out actual waitlist e-mails. 

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3 hours ago, Fitztastic said:

I e-mailed WCU this morning and received back:

"The first round admission letters have been sent out.  You are on the waitlist but the first round has until April 15th to let us know of their decision so it will be another couple of weeks before the next step is taken."

So I guess if we haven't heard anything it means we're all wait listed? I just think it was strange that they didn't send out actual waitlist e-mails. 

Does that mean everyone who hasn't been accepted is on the waitlist? That makes zero sense.



** Not saying your answer makes no sense (I actually really appreciate your input), I just don't understand why a school would do it this way lol

Edited by j_rae
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I honestly have no idea! I was shocked when they e-mailed that back to me. I figured they would at least send us something saying we were waitlisted? I have no idea what's going on, but that's what the head of the admissions committee e-mailed me. Let's hope we hear something different. 


I sent this, "

My name is Tyler Harris and I applied to the M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology program at WCU. I received an e-mail on March 3rd that my application was still under active consideration. I was wondering if there was any news about being accepted/waitlisted/rejected anytime soon. "


and received this "

Hi Tyler.  The first round admission letters have been sent out.  You are on the waitlist but the first round has until April 15th to let us know of their decision so it will be another couple of weeks before the next step is taken.


Tracie Rice"


Hope this helps some :(

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@Fitztastic I pretty much sent & received the same thing last week lol. I also asked if they have sent out any denials yet, or if everyone is on the waitlist - she replied that no denials have been sent out, so we're all on the waitlist. I feel like that's a very strange way to do it, but I guess we'll just have to wait another two and a half weeks or so :/

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