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Should one mention conference/seminar that one attended?

a fragrant plant

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i think you can mention whatever you want to mention in your SOP. i think that whatever you mention should not be disparaging or off-topic, though. if going to relevant conferences and seminars fits into your discussion of your research interests, why you want to get a Ph.D. in anthropology, or why you chose to apply to a particular anthro program, then mention it.

if you're just going to end up "throwing it out there," then i wouldn't waste the space.

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There are conceivable ways of working that information into your SOP that I think can contribute a layer of maturity and understanding of the field to your essay. I mentioned something similar when I talked about spending time abroad at a university that was in a city where a lot was happening, and how that changed my perception of the field compared to my knowledge beforehand at a university that was pretty isolated.

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I mentioned a conference that I recently attended in my SOP. I'm switching disciplines and wanted to show that I'm serious about immersion in the new field and aware of what's currently going on. A prof who reviewed my SOP for me thought it was a good idea. YMMV.

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