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2010 Department of State Critical Language Scholarship

Current Korbel Student

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Hey Guys

I am new to this website, I found in while researching for the CLS program. I received an email notifying me that I won and that I have three weeks to accept or decline the award. I have been selected to study Punjabi in Punjab, India. Anyone go through this program? Is it fun?



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I got accepted into the CLS Program for Beginning Korean and I also moved on to the second round for Korea ETA Program. So I am just patiently waiting on Fulbright now :)

I'm in the exact same boat as you and it's sort of a problem. Looks like we won't find out if we get Korea ETA before March 15, so what do we do about CLS? CLS and ETA conflict, so I'm worried that if I accept CLS and then get and decide to do Fulbright, I'll have to pay fort he entire cost of CLS. What are you going to do?

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I'm in the exact same boat as you and it's sort of a problem. Looks like we won't find out if we get Korea ETA before March 15, so what do we do about CLS? CLS and ETA conflict, so I'm worried that if I accept CLS and then get and decide to do Fulbright, I'll have to pay fort he entire cost of CLS. What are you going to do?

I actually denied CLS because Fulbright is a year-long program and it comes with language courses as well :). I honestly didn't want to hold a spot for someone who truly wants and needs it because of my selfishness :(. Hopefully, I get Fulbright and yes they both conflict with one another unfortunately :(. I thought I could do both but I have to go to the mandatory meeting for Fulbright in July which is in DC and then head to Korea in mid-July.

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I received this email from CLS:

We are writing with an update regarding your status as a CLS Program alternate for the Arabic institutes this summer. The CLS Program will not be holding institutes in Egypt this summer. As the situation in the Middle East and North Africa continues to remain fluid and unpredictable, we are working to identify options for the CLS Arabic institutes. The U.S. Department of State continues to monitor the events closely, and is working with its U.S. Embassies overseas to determine which countries will host CLS Arabic students this summer. Because we do not have final site placements for the CLS Arabic institutes, we have had to extend the deadline to March 31st for Arabic finalists to accept or decline the CLS Program scholarship.

Therefore, we will not be able to begin working to identify alternates to fill any scholarship positions that might be declined until early April at the earliest. We will let you know if we have any further information over the next few weeks, and thank you for your patience as we move forward at this historic moment of monumental change in the region.

:( More waiting.

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I'm going to have to decline mine too, and I hate too, but I've really got to teach this summer to make some money.

I actually denied CLS because Fulbright is a year-long program and it comes with language courses as well :). I honestly didn't want to hold a spot for someone who truly wants and needs it because of my selfishness :(. Hopefully, I get Fulbright and yes they both conflict with one another unfortunately :(. I thought I could do both but I have to go to the mandatory meeting for Fulbright in July which is in DC and then head to Korea in mid-July.

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Hi I just came across this forum after doing some Googling. I'm an alternate for CLS 2011 in Indonesia! I keep refreshing my inbox like mad, so excited to find out the end result.

Any other alternates here who know when we should find out by? Any for Indonesia?

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Hi I just came across this forum after doing some Googling. I'm an alternate for CLS 2011 in Indonesia! I keep refreshing my inbox like mad, so excited to find out the end result.

Any other alternates here who know when we should find out by? Any for Indonesia?

I'm an alternate too, waiting to here. I don't know if they have started admitting alternates a lot. I thought about contacting CLS but haven't done so. Any word on your end?

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I'm an alternate too, waiting to here. I don't know if they have started admitting alternates a lot. I thought about contacting CLS but haven't done so. Any word on your end?

Someone on the program's official facebook page told me she contacted the CLS office. Apparently alternates are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and some have been admitted as late as May! I hope thats an extreme case. Needless to say, I won't be refreshing my inbox as often knowing that.

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Someone on the program's official facebook page told me she contacted the CLS office. Apparently alternates are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and some have been admitted as late as May! I hope thats an extreme case. Needless to say, I won't be refreshing my inbox as often knowing that.

ANY NEWS YET??? I think we should hear any day now, at least for the replacements of people who declined the scholarship. There is always the chance that selected alternates will refuse as well. The chances decrease precipitously though I imagine...

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ANY NEWS YET??? I think we should hear any day now, at least for the replacements of people who declined the scholarship. There is always the chance that selected alternates will refuse as well. The chances decrease precipitously though I imagine...

Alright well they just announced site placement for Arabic, which had been delayed due to regional turmoil. Those people now have a window of time in which to respond and accept/decline their award. My guess is they're waiting till this passes so they can announce ALL the alternates for all languages at once, as opposed to letting everyone know and letting the Arabic alternates know later.

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Alright well they just announced site placement for Arabic, which had been delayed due to regional turmoil. Those people now have a window of time in which to respond and accept/decline their award. My guess is they're waiting till this passes so they can announce ALL the alternates for all languages at once, as opposed to letting everyone know and letting the Arabic alternates know later.

Actually, I heard (on ExchangesConnect) that at least one of the Russian alternates is now going to be joining the program this summer. So it seems to be on a case-by-case basis.

It's exciting that the Arabic placements have finally been announced, thanks for letting us know. I imagine it'll still be a while before Arabic alternates can expect to hear anything though. Does anyone know when the Arabic participants have to accept/decline by?

Edited by Murklins
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Actually, I heard (on ExchangesConnect) that at least one of the Russian alternates is now going to be joining the program this summer. So it seems to be on a case-by-case basis.

It's exciting that the Arabic placements have finally been announced, thanks for letting us know. I imagine it'll still be a while before Arabic alternates can expect to hear anything though. Does anyone know when the Arabic participants have to accept/decline by?

Oh wow, thanks for the info. Interesting to know its on a case by case basis. I hope my case lands on their desk soon haha.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi! I was looking for info about Arabic alternates and I found this thread- I'm currently an alternate for advanced beginning Arabic with the CLS program and I got an email from them last week asking me to take a placement test so that they could begin placing alternates. Did anyone else here get this email or any other information? Have alternates from any other program been selected yet? Ugghhh I hate waiting unsure.gif.

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Hi! I was looking for info about Arabic alternates and I found this thread- I'm currently an alternate for advanced beginning Arabic with the CLS program and I got an email from them last week asking me to take a placement test so that they could begin placing alternates. Did anyone else here get this email or any other information? Have alternates from any other program been selected yet? Ugghhh I hate waiting unsure.gif.

Hey muffinintherough, I'm an alternate for intermediate arabic. I got that same email last week, but I haven't heard anything since. I don't know if they've selected alternates for any of the arabic sites yet, but some of the other langauges (like Russian) have had alternates chosen.

I feel you on the waiting. It's been almost three months now. I was ready to give up until we got that placement test email from Andrea.

EDIT: So I found this response on the CLS facebook page, after someone asked about Arabic alternates: "While we hope to make an announcement to alternates soon, we may notify students as late as early June if slots become available. We will keep you posted!"

Edited by Murklins
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