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All college and university students would benefit from spending at least one semester studying in a foreign country.(ISSUE TASK)


College years are the most important and lifelong memorable years of many people. It has been seen as a gateway from being a teenager to being an adult for students. This means that these students will be added to society soon after the college. As to be beneficial for the society these people must add new social features for themselves. Most of the successful people in society-businessmen, doctors, lawyers, bankers- spent some time in different countries as a student where they gain helpful features for their profession and for their personality. Therefore, all universities should encourage their students to study abroad in order to improve themselves as a better person.

Many students around the world are studying abroad in their college years. As the time passes universities started making more deals for exchange and erasmus programs all around the world. A student who experienced studying abroad can have advantages over someone who didn't. If two students from the same department are battling for an acceptance in a company the one who studied abroad usually has an advantage. While studying abroad students can easily improve their language. Learning a foreign language can socially improve a person as they interact people from different countries. In today's circumstances it has a huge importance in business too. Meanwhile, many companies are in collaboration with companies from different countries. Furthermore, as we are mentioning about improving themselves as a better person, a student studying abroad can gain more responsibilities. Most of these students are leaving their families for a couple of months for the first time in their lives. Spending their money economically, shopping for their dorm, adapting a new life and at the same time studying all needs a huge responsibility. For instance, I also spent couple months in Florida when I was in college and at the beginning it was very hard for me to adapt the new system for myself. I couldn't spent my money very easily due to being apart from my parents. I had to think twice before spending in order to use it economically. On the other hand, it doesn't mean that everyone who study abroad would improve themselves as a person. For example, think about a person who spent six months in France and travel and party all time without going to college. The ingenuity is to do both things at the same time.

The idea of studying in a foreign country should be supported by the universities due to students have a great chance of adding beneficial features to their personalities. To sum up, studying in a different culture can improve language skills of a person and develop liability of an individual. As many students are encouraged to study abroad, the society will benefit from the individuals social and academical experiences.

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