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does CSDCAS take university gpa or...?

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hey guys!


Quick Q. I have no experience with CSDCAS yet, hence why I'm asking those who might have. Before I transferred to university, I was in a community college and my grades were average at best. At university, I am doing much better, and my grades are great. My question is when we enter our grades into CSDCAS, will our four year institution GPA be 'submitted' as our main GPA regardless of community college, or will it be a cumulation of my community college + AND university grades that are my final GPA?


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CSDCAS takes all of your grades from all the colleges you have attended to form one single GPA.

For example, my GPA at my four year was like 3.79, but since I had two classes from comm. college that I got As in, my CSDCAS GPA ended up being like 3.82.

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I also attended community college before transferring to a 4-year school. CSDCAS will count the grades you earned in community college when it calculates your GPA, unfortunately. However, they also break down the grades by year, so schools will be able to see how you've progressed. :)


Also just a heads up: always check the GPA they calculate for you. I had a general anatomy class counted as anatomy&physiology of speech and hearing, and it bumped my CSD GPA down by a bit. 

Edit: This link to their FAQ / information page is very helpful for reference.


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