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Advice on getting into research



Hi, everyone!

I'm 23F and have a BS in marine biology. I want to go to grad school and obtain my PhD to study marine mammal behavior. I was told my whole life that any experience counts, so I have done a total of 4 internships - all in an aquarium setting. Now I'm stuck. I got offered a minimum wage, temporary job at a theme park working with reptiles and birds and everyone is telling me to take it - because everything counts. But I REALLY want to move on to the research aspect of things and to grad school. I've had no luck with other jobs and have been denied into grad schools for 2 years now (with the typical response). When I ask for more information about getting in, I am told my resume looks good and to just keep trying. I feel like 4 aquarium internships got me too far into aquariums/zoos and nowhere with behavioral research. Would an animal educator job really help me with marine mammal behavior research? How do I get that first research job?

Thank you all! Any advice at all helps!

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2 answers to this question

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My GPA and GRE were average, but I was told they were both outweighed by my experience from a graduate program director. I applied to 3 programs a couple years ago and to 2 last year. There's only one that I really want, but for 2017 I'm planning on applying to 5 programs. The application fee is also a problem for me, so that limits me to how many programs I can apply to. I want to study abnormal behavior in cetaceans, but will do any animal behavior program. And I do luckily have great LOR writers. I guess my big concern is if I should take any job I can get with animal experience (after having 4 animal care internships) or to not take zoo/aquarium jobs and only take research jobs (to build that part of my resume).

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