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Applying to grad school soon and would appreciate input

Herbert West



I will be applying to graduate schools for the fall 2017 semester. I am interested most in UC Berkeley, University of Illinois, MIT, CIT, Ann Arbor, Indiana University, and Ohio State, where I would like to work in an organic lab. I have gone through grad schools and chosen schools where there are about three professors with whom I would like to work.

I am taking the GRE tomorrow and have been scoring 159-165/160-169 V/Q on practice tests, have a 4.0 GPA at a state university in Illinois (not U of I), did half a year of research in a physical chemistry lab, a semester of research in a biochem lab, and will have worked in an organic lab for over two years when I graduate in 2017. I do not have a publication in the works yet, but I presented a poster at the ACS meeting in San Diego on the organic work. I have solid LORs from the organic, biochem, and physical chem professors as well as from several other faculty members at my university. I have taken grad level courses in heterocycles, organic synthesis, physical organic chemistry, and structural determination, and I have been an undergraduate TA for a year and will probably be one again next year.

Is my list of schools too overly ambitious for my profile?

Thank you in advance!

Edited by Herbert West
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