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GRE Accommodations for disability



I have a condition called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome which causes a lack of blood flow to the brain which more often than not causes something dubbed, "brain fog."  It has many other issues, such as the risk of losing consciousness from standing, but the most pertinent one for the GRE is  50% extended time and extra breaks.  Brain fog means I struggle to find the appropriate words and can have a processing delay, which as I am sure you all can imagine, is pretty hindering on an exam that is testing your vocabulary!  I submitted documentation of my academic accommodations during undergrad, documentation of my current accommodations for my online courses, a letter from my general practitioner briefly explaining POTS, a letter from my rheumatologist explaining I have Ehlers Danlos and Arthritis and that it is important for me to move around and have extra breaks to reduce my pain (sitting still for hours at a time is excruciating and with POTS it increases my risk of passing out, especially since mine is primarily stress triggered and taking the GRE will probably stress me out!), a copy of the form my Cardiologist filled out when I was requesting my current accommodations (I had asked for this and a letter but it took him two weeks to fill out the form and cost me 25$ and I didn't get a letter but he did give me a copy of my most recent full exam and the form goes more in depth on why I need the extended time than he probably would have gone into in a letter, so I just figured I would submit that for now), my test results for my diagnosis of POTS, a copy of my registration for my life long handicap placard, and my own letter explaining what the condition is, common accommodations for it, and why I need them.  

Do you think this will be enough to get me my accommodations?  I am a bit worried because my doctors really wouldn't go in much depth in what they wrote out.  The primary care doctor probably wrote the most extensive letter.  But I am hoping 3 letters of supports from doctors, a history of the same types of accommodations I am requesting, proof of diagnosis, and proof that the state felt I was disabled enough for a handicap placard would prove that the disability is severe enough to merit accommodations.  It is a physical disability rather than a learning disability.  I have learning disabilities as well but didn't feel like spending the money to get retested.  

I am just a bit nervous so if anyone has any thoughts or input that would be great.



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