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Need some advice on Linguistics Grad Programs



Hey everyone, I am about to start my 4th year undergrad at UC Davis, double major in Linguistics and Chinese Language & Culture. I am late into the Linguistics game, since I switched majors in the middle of third year. I am looking into graduate programs now, but I am not sure which schools to look into. I am not even completely sure what field I should be looking into, but I do know that I am interested in Chinese and East Asian Languages such as Korean, maybe even focusing on these two. In terms of field, I am very interested in learning more about how people interact with others, sociolinguistics, or maybe applied linguistics. Also, as of right now, my GPA is 2.8. Stuff happened, particularly family and health. Even though I plan on finishing stronger, this is the GPA I will have to send with my graduate applications, so I also need advice on realistic school options. Tbh, I am looking into ANY school that is US or UK accredited, and any program (open to MA or PhD programs) but I am also looking for a school that is somewhat known for the program and is reachable given my GPA (I will be taking the GRE soon, so no score yet). 

A year ago, I did an intensive Chinese intermediate program at UCLA and ended with an A-. There, I realized that both their Linguistics and Chinese department are well known, and I experienced how much better their Chinese dept is compared to UCD (as much as I love UCD). But I am concerned I am not good enough to get into their graduate program, for either Linguistics or Asian Languages. 

Through other Linguistics majors, I've heard about Harvard, UM Amherst/ UMass, UC Berkeley, NYU, Cornell, UPenn, and Mcgill U. But seeing this list and researching them, I don't know how high my chances are for any of them. I just know that I really enjoy learning linguistics, so no matter what program I start with, my ultimate goal is PhD. Even if I don't get into the program I choose to apply to, I will gain some work/ internship lab experience before I apply and try again. 

What other programs should I look into or what advice do you have on applying to graduate school? How many programs (and which programs) did you apply for? Thank you for listening!

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