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Seeking advice about working in related fields during undergrad

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Hello! I am currently working for the IT department at my undergrad university and I applied a month ago to the local school district for related work experience. I just told my current boss I would be working for him for the next year, but I've started getting calls from principals asking to set up interviews. I would be an assistant in the special education resource room. I am wondering if getting related work experience is worth changing all my plans so last minute. I would be able to take classes online, but I would be sacrificing taking ASL 201 and 202. I already feel like I have slim chances of getting into a grad program so I want to take every advantage I can! So what do you think I should do?

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Is it possible to get experiences like: direct observation of an SLP in several different settings, research in speech and hearing sciences, volunteer time at a rehab center... something more directly related? SPED experience is good and is more related than IT, but it's not direct experience with speech/language pathology. If you are looking to go into auditory/verbal therapy and use that ASL you would learn if you took the classes, then that could be more beneficial in the long run. Just my 2 cents. 

You could also email your grad programs of interest and just ask them. 

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