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New Guy


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Hi all, 

Don't really have a question. Just saying hello. 

I really wish I would've found this site 2 months ago before I signed up with my current GRE test prep company. But alas, here I am, less than 2 weeks before my GRE test day and feeling real insecure about my possible scores. All I can do is grind it out with what I have left and hope for the best. Either way, good luck to all and thanks in advance for all the awesome advice I'll be taking from these here forums. 

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Don't stress out too much about the score and let the anxiety of "I'm not ready!" tear you down right now. You can't change how you prepped thus far, all you can do is take the time you have now and do the most you can do.

As someone going into planetary sciences, I'd focus your efforts on prepping for quant as much as you can. I was quite proud of my verbal/writing scores, but my advisor told me my department (atmospheric & oceanic sciences) essentially doesn't take them into account at all! 

Another tip: make sure you get 1-2 full length practice exams in next week (but not the night before, take that day off!). It's much better to be comfortable with the timing and testing environment than to cram one more day of general practice problems.

Finally, I'd like to second @Need Coffee in an IV. My program suggested that students tend to only get in with a quantitative score between 80 and 90 percentile. I got into the program and am funded through a computational/mathematics fellowship with a 75%. Point is, fellowships and graduate programs are holistic reviews! They aren't going to shun an otherwise good student for not meeting the demands of a relatively meaningless standardized test. :P Show your character and knowledge through recommendations, good class performance, and engaging/exciting essays! 

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