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Emailing schools of interest...how to phrase it

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I'm wanting to reach out to potential schools that have three year tracks/ "provisional" entry options. 

I want to present my stats and ask how I can be more competitive as an applicant. 

Has anyone done this, and how did you word it exactly? I feel as if there is a lot of ways I could mess up and come across as tacky.  :/





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My name is ___ and I am currently a ___ at ___ University, majoring in _____ .  I am very interested in your communication disorders (or whatever they call it) program, specifically the 3-year track/provisional option. Specifically, I believe my background in/experience with _____ would mesh well with _____(pick an aspect/specific focus in the program). I have attached my resume for reference. 

This year, I have the opportunity to (pursue research, write a thesis, gain clinical practicum experience, observe an SLP, go abroad, take this or that course, etc). Which of these opportunities would make me a more competitive applicant for your program? 

Thank you for your time, 

name, university + graduation year 

contact info" 

Or something like that. Programs get emails like this all the time - when I was applying, I sent one to every single school I applied to, lol. 

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