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Issue Topic: To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities.

My essay:

The statement stresses the importance of studying major cities to gather recondite characteristics of a society. Major cities from time immemorial have housed a plethora of different religions, cultural groups and communities. Not only these diverse groupings collectively represent the distinct characteristics of the society at large, these cities develop an amalgamation of an interdependent culture. Thus, the statement is veracious in saying that the most important characteristics of a society can be discovered by studying major cities.

Archeologists and historians have been researching Indus Valley civilization from quite a time now, and their research was given an impetus by meticulously studying the ruins of Mohenjodaro and Harappa,the two major cities of that civilization. Now, the various pioneering practices of the Indus Valley Civilization like waste disposal and sanitary system, public baths etc are widely known. These major cities of that civilization helped to unearth the quotidian activities of their people. The ruins of major cities are not completely lost over time and this helps to further gain knowledge about their lifestyle. Villages and small cities, are sparsely located and may never be discovered, and were often destroyed in raids and wars between two civilizations.

In modern cities too, people come from all over the country to leverage the opportunities available. This diversity helps to easily know about the different religious and cultural practices prevalent, the multitudes of languages spoken among other things. An incisive study can also determine the tolerance of a society towards different religions, prevalent stigmas, etc
For an empirical analysis of the important characteristics of a society, it is wise to also study some sparsely located villages and towns to get a holistic picture. Hence, there is some merit in the argument that these simply studying major studies will not provide with all the prevailing characteristics of a society. The African continent houses a number of tribes which prefer to live in their own world in secluded areas. These tribes may not have any representation in major cities and the different characteristics of their society will be lost to the researchers.

Accordingly, one must have a two-pronged approach in the study of societies. Firstly, all the major cities must be studied for determining the important characteristics of the given society and then an in-depth study of towns and villages, where possible, must be conducted to gain a complete picture of all the characteristics of the society.

Edited by shreyansjasoriya
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