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Report both GRE scores if one V is higher and one Q is higher?


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Hi All,

Apologies if this has been posted before (as I'm sure it has many times over). I have two GRE score reports that I could send to schools. On one, my verbal and writing are much higher, but when I took it the second time I focused on improving my quant score and the other two went down. The programs to which I'm applying are primarily qualitative, but there is a quantitative element, so I'm not sure which scores I should send. I'd like to send both, but I'm afraid that my lower scores will stand out, while if I only send one or the other, then it's not as high overall. I didn't completely bomb either test, but my verbal scores definitely took a hit on the second and in the first I'm afraid my quants aren't up to par. 

Has anyone been in a similar situation and what have you decided on? Can anyone in a program comment on whether it matters all that much? Would sending both show inconsistency?

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I posted something pretty similar to this but have no idea how to link it :(

The advice I got was to send one set of scores. I'm not sure how bad your quant was the first time around but I got 143 (14%) so even though my AWA dropped a bit, I was unanimously told to go with my second set. Exact scores might help people form opinions on your situation :)

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