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Any Word Out of Rochester (Warner)?


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I had some friends apply to Rochester for PhD in HE and none of them have heard anything - applications are still marked as being under review. They said they were told that interviews take place ten days after the close of applications so around the 25th. I'd imagine that interview invites would've gone out by now then.

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For the HE at Warner (https://www.warner.rochester.edu/programs/highereducation) - this one right?

Can't answer how it goes for PhD applicants, but when I applied in October for the Master's program (I applied by the October 15th deadline), I got an invite to the interview less than a week after (10/19), interviewed in person on campus the week after (10/28) and got my acceptance two weeks after (11/11).

Might take a little longer to process PhD applicants though, so I wish your friends all the best!

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I don't know if there are any lurkers out there waiting on Rochester but I believe initial acceptances have already gone out. A friend called to inquire since interviews and acceptances have already been dispatched for several departments, yet seeming radio silence for others. He was told that "Those currently marked 'Under Revew' should have decisions by the first week of March, maybe sooner depending on several factors." A professor at Syracuse that has worked at Warner says traditionally decisions on the first round of acceptances are made by January 25th. Warner has really limited funding for doctoral students so they go pretty deep into the waitlist every year, so there's a strong chance of being accepted but little chance of funding if you're accepted in later rounds.

Given Warner's waitlist and how deep they go into it every year, it's probably safe to surmise that if you're still marked as Under Review, you've been waitlisted or rejected.

Edited by xypathos
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  • 3 weeks later...

So per a friend that had an in-person interview with Warner a little over a week ago - decisions will come out in 3-5 weeks. The faculty haven't gathered yet with the Dean in order to finalize the budget, which students will get assistantships, how many they're accepting yet, etc.

Full funding and assistanthips are prioritized for Ph.D. students over Ed.D., and those interested in a research or professor position are prioritized over students wanting to go into Student Affairs or another administration department. This last bit of information is relevant to Higher Ed. and Educational Policy specifically, so she was told but not necessarily to other programs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Decisions from Warner for PhD/EdD should be coming out soon. Decisions have been finalized and application statuses updated but decisions aren't yet publicly available as they do a last round of due diligence, per a contact in the school. 

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