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Is it appropriate to ask when decisions will be made?

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Any thoughts on the appropriateness of contacting schools about admissions decisions? I'm trying to decide if it would be alright to send a short, polite e-mail to the Graduate Adminstrator asking when they will be notifying applicants. Although I'm probably being paranoid, I keep thinking this will somehow hurt my chances of getting in, since they might see this kind of request as rude/impatient.

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It would depend on how long you've had your application in. If you sent in last week then I would suggest waiting but from your post im guessing it's been awhile. I have corresponded with the dept. contacts regarding when decisions would be made/the status of my application. I have contacted via phone and e-mail depending on the school. I have had nothing but nice, positive responses. It won't hurt your chances as long as you are not doing it every day and are polite.

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my deadline has passed a week ago and contacted the director of graduate studies yesterday to find out the approximate notification date... reading your posting, I kinda regret it; I shouldve been more patient.. ahhhhh he didnt reply me yet but.. I'm feeling worse now :(

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I was having this same issue, and was feeling torn, but I hadn't heard from the DGS of my program in 2.5 weeks. On January 21st, he had said "we will contact you very soon, once we have gone to committee". I e-mailed today and asked if they were still reviewing my application, and I apologized if I was being nosy. This was his response:

"Dear B****,

No need to apologize - I understand completely how hard it is to make it

through this waiting phase!

Unfortunately, we are not quite done yet with the entire process. I will

write as soon as the decisions have been officially made."

I am just going to feel positive about this. He put an exclamation mark in there - profs never do that! Always so staid . . . .anyway, I know how things work at this particular institution, and my guess is, I'm probably on the short list of candidates, but an 'official decision' has to be made, ie, they have to send their list to the grad school and get approved for the number of offers they want to make. I'm fully aware I might get rejected/waitlisted still, but I'm going to just assume I was a strong candidate either way :)

In my case, it was ok to send an e-mail, but only nearly 3 weeks after getting an e-mail saying they were close to making decisions! I wouldn't e-mail a week after the deadline, but I'm sure it depends on the program and a student's relationship with the POI . . . uuggghhhhh I want to get accepted!!

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The deadline for this school was Dec. 11th, so I definately waited awhile. My response wasn't quite as specific, unfortunately. It read: "The PhD applicants will be notified by the end of February. You will either receive an email, a letter or phone call. I hope this helps!" It was, however, a kind reply, so I do agree now that a nice e-mail isn't really a problem (just don't write too soon or too often!).

Good luck to everyone! I hope this thread will be helpful to other nervous wreaks like me:)

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The deadline for this school was Dec. 11th, so I definately waited awhile. My response wasn't quite as specific, unfortunately. It read: "The PhD applicants will be notified by the end of February. You will either receive an email, a letter or phone call. I hope this helps!" It was, however, a kind reply, so I do agree now that a nice e-mail isn't really a problem (just don't write too soon or too often!).

Good luck to everyone! I hope this thread will be helpful to other nervous wreaks like me:)

I think having a good, solid timeline is helpful. I honestly was crawling out of my skin the last week, and was *so* unproductive at work, coworkers were starting to notice, then I got a huge pile of cases (I'm a disability rights advocate) and had to go speak in front of the legislature and at the same time write up a death investigation report for a child with cerebral palsy. I've been *so* distracted by the grad school waiting process that I am afraid I'm going to really flub sooner or later . . . so getting this e-mail def. put me at ease for the time being. I hope your e-mail had the same effect on you! Really, best of luck . . .mind telling me what the program is?

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I think having a good, solid timeline is helpful. I honestly was crawling out of my skin the last week, and was *so* unproductive at work, coworkers were starting to notice, then I got a huge pile of cases (I'm a disability rights advocate) and had to go speak in front of the legislature and at the same time write up a death investigation report for a child with cerebral palsy. I've been *so* distracted by the grad school waiting process that I am afraid I'm going to really flub sooner or later . . . so getting this e-mail def. put me at ease for the time being. I hope your e-mail had the same effect on you! Really, best of luck . . .mind telling me what the program is?

Thanks! It's the University of Pittsburgh.

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I just called, and didn't even need to give my name. Prompt, friendly reply. I am glad I did.

I just emailed, and immediately received notice that I had been waitlisted. In no way did my encounter shed light on the process of graduate admissions.


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