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Admission Phone Calls?


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So I know that this is a little early to worry about this ...the earliest admission response that anyone posted last year from the schools I applied to is over a month away... but I was wondering how the admissions phone calls work. Do they generally call during business hours? If they don't get a hold of someone, do they leave a message or send an e-mail?

I work during the day and there is a significant time difference between the schools I am applied to and me, so it is highly unlikely that I would actually receive their phone calls.

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They seem to be good about leaving messages. Just make sure nobody spams your voicemail inbox when you're expecting a call. =)

Once they leave a message, though, they don't seem to make much effort beyond that. I had to call back quite a few times to finally reach one professor who had contacted me two years ago.

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While I don't have experience dealing with graduate admissions phone calls, I do have experience receiving similar calls. All of these calls occurred during business hours. Messages are good thing, but usually require you to call back. Individuals and institutions are wary of leaving information on a voice mail. I don't see why graduate schools would be any different.

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