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Any environmental health folk out there?

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Me! I have applied to a mix of env health and MEM programs. I actually only applied to two EH programs, UNC and UMD. I got accepted to UNC today, and I missed a call from UMD today but they didn't leave a message. The MEM/MESc programs I have applied to include Yale, Duke, UCSB-Bren, University of Oregon, and UVA. I haven't heard back from any of them yet, but I am hopeful. I didn't apply to JH because I only want to do a masters and I have heard that there isn't much for there masters students in the field I am interested in.

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I've been accepted to UWashington for the MPH, UMass MPH, UArizona MPH, UConnecticut MPH, and Simon Fraser University MPH, all in Environmental health. Trying to pick schools, though it will probably be UW-they offer nice financing.

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