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Will my GRE Q164 be a deal breaker for Harvard CSE master


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Hi all,

I am a CS student undergrad, with decent publications in machine learning fields, GPA 3.8 (one of the tops in my CS department), a few A+ in general math courses, but my GRE ends up at Q164 V162 AW4.0. (I speak English as my second language, so my verbal might be a highlight, but who knows if it can fix my not-so-outstanding Q score for an eng program)

Harvard CSE admission deadline is 15 Dec which is pretty early compared with others, and it will be very risky for me to schedule another GRE since the only available GRE date before that time for me clashes with my final exam weeks (I can still take the GRE test, but revision for that GRE will negatively affect my exams study, for the worst case)

Is this GRE Q164 a deal breaker for me? Should I go for another attempt?


Thank you!

Edited by roln
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