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Inside Scoop vs. Official Notification


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I made contact with a current PhD student at my top choice university during the application process who was very helpful with answering questions, making suggestions, etc. He told me about his application/interview experience and invited me to contact him before I came in to interview in February so he could give me the lowdown on the interview weekend, different professors, etc.

Well, seeing as we are halfway through February and I haven't heard anything, I decided to contact this student again to see what was going on in the department. He informed me that in fact, he was just emailed a list of the students who made the cut and did not see my name on it. At first, I was bummed. I had already envisioned myself being accepted, moving, where I would live, attending classes, and so forth. I practically had the degree in my hand and was busy planning my subsequent job search. I sent a nice email thanking him for the info saying "what will be will be," blah, blah, spiritual zen crap, blah.

I thought getting the inside scoop would put me out of my misery and keep me from idling away the hours on this site checking the results page. No such luck. I am here several times every day in addition to the university application website checking for official notification. Still no word. It's like I need to see it in black and white before I can really let go. It's normal to blame the messenger for delivering bad news. Am I just in denial?

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It is perfectly normal to still be checking these sources, for if they know that you were rejected, they would have let you know by now. It is hard to believe that the admissions committee would disclose a full and complete list of PhD admits to a student currently.

Nah... as they say (whoever they is), its not over until the fat lady sings. You're not rejected until they tell you. Good luck!

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