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Hello, Looking for someone to critique my GRE Essay


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SStudents should always question what they are taught instead of accepting it passivelyld always question what they are taught instead of accepting it passively.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.

When going to school I was always told that asking questions was very important to my education. This statement holds some truth to that. Students should always ask questions, not because they do not believe of what is being told but because they should be able to understand why what is being told is correct. Students need to expand their knowledge not just from repetition or memorizing new facts but from understanding what is being taught to them.

            Asking questions leads to more questions. Students who ask questions can encourage other students who are having a hard time understanding something to also ask questions. This encourages other students to ask more questions about one certain topic. That leads other students to feel open into asking questions. When other students are encouraging each other it becomes more effective to understand what is being taught.

            Also, excelling school make sure that students are always asking questions. They want to engage the student in a bigger way than just having the student memorize facts. Those type of school end up having very well educated students because they tend to make sure that the students are engaging in what they are learning. Those students end up going to college and fulling being able to understand concepts that are being taught at a higher level because the student is able to engage in the topic through questions.

            Another reason why asking questions on what is being taught is important, is that students can learn to ask questions not just in school settings but also in the real world. When you start teaching the student the importance of asking questions when you are being taught something you are also teaching them to ask questions in their everyday life. If an African-American gets pulled over and gets handed a ticket they might just take the ticket without asking. But if the same person got pulled over and was taught to always ask why, he could have asked why he got a ticket and could have seen if he did indeed break a law or violation. He would be able to defend himself from that ticket.

However, some might disagree on students always asking questions on what they are being taught because they might think that the student wants to disobey or make a fuzz in class just to fool around. I do think that there is a place and time to ask question especially when you are being taught a new concept that might be something you can’t grasp at first. It is important however to teach them how and when to ask questions so things like that don’t happen to other students.

            The statement agrees that students should always ask questions on what they are being taught. I agree with the statement; students should always ask questions but not only on what they are being taught but also outside that. They should ask questions to encourage other students to do the same. To make sure they are being treated equally. So they can go to college and be able to engage in lectures and be able to ask a questions that helps them engage in the subject. Some might not agree on this view, but we should be teaching students on how to ask questions properly to make sure that they are being engaged in what is being taught.


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