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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Fulbright ETA

BurstingAtTheSeams's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. I've always held a deep-rooted fascination with Greece too! It was actually thanks to Greek mythology that I learned English so fast when I first moved to the US many years ago. My obession with tales of heroes with a tragic hamartia and the the ever-changing whims of gods and goddesses will hopely culminate in going to Greece and exploring the history in person (fingers crossed)! I hope you get to go too, one day! Btw, does anyone know if and when Greece ETA-HAEF candidates are interviewed?? The site says "we reserve the right to interview candidates"--from the wording it doesn't seem like all candidates will be interviewed, but is not being interviewed a bad sign? UGH, and here I thought I can stop being worried until March-April...
  2. I don't mind at all! I'm applying for an ETA to Greece. Trying so hard not to think of Fulbright for the next few months and yet I find myself checking my email and this forum every few hours lol. DC_Bee congratulations!! That's brilliant!! What a testament to your work!
  3. Hey SmarteyMartey! So glad you found us! It's going to be a (hopefully not too) long (of a) wait before we get the final results, so we're glad to have you with us to exchange rumors and speculations as we bite our nails and try desperately not to scream. I don't know if Taiwan ETA conducts interviews, but if they do, I could chat with you in Mandarin a bit! Btw, that offer's extended to anyone who'd like a brush up for their interview. I can't say my Mandarin's very good but growing up Chinese American's gotta count for something!
  4. Hey SmarteyMartey! So glad you found us! It's going to be a (hopefully not too) long (of a) wait before we get the final results, so we're glad to have you with us to share rumors and speculations as we bite our nails and try desperately not to scream. I don't know if Taiwan ETA conducts interviews, but if they do, I could chat with you in Mandarin a bit! Btw, that offer's extended to anyone who'd like a brushup for an interview. I can't say my Mandarin's very good but growing up Chinese American's gotta count for something!
  5. Nevermind, I got it! And it turns out I didn't delete the other Greece applicant's info, it was just moved to another spot. The issue was I was trying to edit the spreadsheet on my phone--it was so simple once I tried it on my computer. To you awesome people who didn't get recommended, I'm sure you will go on to do bigger and better things! And echoing what many are saying, I would recommend reapplying. I learned from the mistakes I made the first time and I think I'm a stronger applicant because of it. Also, there are many factors we can't control, like our competition, who looks at our application, etc., that could work in your favor when you reapply. Best wishes!! To those of us still in the running... looks like we're back at square one. I'm going to try to put it out of my mind and buckle down for the LSAT...
  6. CONGRATULATIONS!! Are you an ETA-HAEF applicant too? By looking at google docs of past cycles, it looks like applicants to Greece are going to be notified by the end of March. We're one step closer to the Parthenon! I think I accidentally deleted someone's google doc entry who's applying to Greece--SO SORRY about that!! Whoever you are (I think the name on there was Linda?), I hope you re-enter your info. Can someone give instructions on how to add to google docs? Thanks for your patience.
  7. This. The conflicting emotions are making me kind of queasy. I hope my co-applicant from this forum got recommended!! I'm still hoping we both get to go to Greece!
  8. Thanks!! And my FPA didn't tell me her name or any hints as to who she was, just that she was a top student and she spoke Greek. I totally agree, I wouldn't want anyone knowing that about me either! I don't think she'll know until 5pm Itisd040, oh my gosh, GOOD LUCK!! It'd be so awesome if we both get it because I think we'll all be living in the same apartment! Sending over good vibes to you
  9. So I'm at work, feverishly typing away at my computer to distract me from checking my email when I notice I had two missed calls from my college (the one I'm applying through). It's the general number so I can't call back. Then I get an email from my FPA to call him back. He tells me that it was posted on the Fulbright website (a part only they can access) that I'm a recommended candidate for a Greece ETA-HAEF! He also told me that there was another candidate who applied for the same Greece ETA-HAEF program, and she is a top student who spoke Greek (I don't). She was not recommended. Morals of the story: ASK YOUR FPAS. THEY KNOW. And very qualified applicants sometimes don't get chosen. My co-applicant's obviously still going to make it extremely far in life. Fulbright's only one facet; it's not the end-all of your accomplishments. Good luck to everyone!!
  10. BOY, am I glad I found this forum! I'm a second time applicant for an ETA to Greece and when the 18th passed with no notification, I started freaking out. Since I'm out of school, I didn't know who else is applying and my Facebook stalking procured no clues, so seeing fellow applicants collectively bemoan this year's late notification just lifted a huge weight off my chest. I'm expecting us to find out next week so that if we happen to find out today, we'll be pleasantly surprised. You all sound like a talented and ambitious bunch! Good luck to everyone!!
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