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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall

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  1. Sorry for the late response, but since I was waitlisted I kind of left this forum behind. I'm sorry to hear that they rejected you, really! I've just had my 3d rejection (out of 3 applications), so I know it feels like ?=()(/&/. Keep your head up! you still have a lot of waiting to do. Next year I'll apply to more schools and I'm not sure about visiting this forum: it's become an obsession and it's starting to disturb me... I'm still reading posts even though I didn't get in any of my desired programs XD! I guess next time I'll just forget about the waiting and just do my stuff, being desperate an anxious is no good for anything. Good luck to all of you who are still in the game!
  2. I've been really obsessed over the forum and I even read the dates people received their notifications form Hunter last year. The ones that were interviewed got the email the same day ( March 1st, all disciplines) and the ones rejected got it 5 days later. If I assume that they got a little ahead of pace this year and they notified people today ( and from what people have written they got notifications for all disciplines as well) .. that means that, if they are doing the same this time, those of us who didn't get the interview email are probably out of Hunter. I think the hardest thing about this is just having so many expectations and then being crushed onto the floor. I had made a lot of plans (including following my long time bf to NY) and I'll have to postpone everything because my application just wasn't that strong. It hurts. A lot. On the other hand, you're right. The wost thing one can do is become too depressed. I feel I have to focus on my work in order to build a stronger portfolio. Next year, I'll make sure to apply to many more schools with a better portfolio.
  3. damn it! Hunter was my last option. This is really upsetting and sad. I'll have to reapply and work one more year. I feel really frustrated right now.
  4. Sareejane, they sent me an email with an attached letter notifying me about this. They told me that they have several waitlisted applicats (didn't mention the exact number) without a specific order, and that if a vacancy is opened, the faculty staff will choose who to call. There's still a slight possibility! But I'd rather keep my feet down on earth and start working on my plan B, which is going part-time and applying to residencies. Shaoceptual I really appreciate your comment! I think that being rejected is a sign that actually I have to make better work haha! It's just something hard to accept at the beginning, but at the end it should become a motivation to improve as an artist.
  5. Thanks a lot for the encouraging words JoJo! You're right, this is an opportunity to learn and have better, smarter applications next time. I wish you the best in your process!
  6. Waitlisted at Alfred I've got one more to go but now I'm seriously reorganizing my plans in case I need to reapply next yer. I will deffinitely have to apply to many more programs! And I'll probably start applying to residencies as well.
  7. Hey ! I just had the interview and well... I'm not sure about how it went; my internet connection wasn't the best, so they had to repeat some questions several times, and I kind of felt "out of base" with some questions, but let's hope for the best! Some questions were very interesting and very specific about the materials I use and my process in general. Many times I felt a a little nervous and my answers were somewhat insecure ( after the interview I kept thinking "stupid why didn't you mention this???") But I felt I was really sincere and I hope they had some connection with me. They didn't really tell me when I would hear about their final decision, I wonder if they didn't mention it on purpose? I'll let you guys now...
  8. Well actually, I had thought there would not be an interview for sculpture either since there is no mention about Alfred interviewing people for their MFA programs anywhere in the web. Maybe they've got doubts about me? The interview is through skype, and they offered me to schedule it from 6 to 8:20. All the options were spaced by 20 minutes ( 6- 6:20- 6:40 and so on) which leads me to assume they are interviewing more people, and that the interview will obviously be 20 minutes long, tops. Thanks for your good wishes! I really hope I can get in.
  9. Hey Sareejane. I'm glad to read that they're connected to the art world. I think that I'll be able to put up with Alfred being far from big cities because they do offer a great program (well, that is if I am accepted) . My interview is in 2 days! haha yup on 02/11! Are you being interviewed too? do you know when they will notify us?
  10. Thanks a lot for all the opinions. I feel reassured now that you tell me I was wrong about the program not being conceptually oriented, that really makes a difference for me. I guess that I could put up with the isolation if this implies concentrating on my work. As for the "cleaning" TA Soapeater ... haha well... I guess that doesn't sound so good, but maybe being in the facilities will help me acquire more technical knowlegde, on the bright side. I still have one more concern, what about the visiting artists? Have you heard anything about that? I just want to make sure that even if Alfred is far from the art buzz, it is still connected somehow... Inkhouse Right now, unfortunately it's not an option for me to visit their campus. I'm working full time and I really need the money. miyamoto81 , where did you finally decide to go? Actually I'm waiting for Hunter's admissions results, but I know Hunter is very selective . If I get in, Alfred is still an excellent opportunity as well, AND I really can't bear thinking about another year in my current second job . But Hunter notifies late in February, will they ask me to make a decision earlier than that?
  11. Hello everybody, I would like to ask for some advice to figure out whether Alfred's MFA program in sculpture/dimensional studies is appropriate for me or not. There are several positive factors that draw me to this program, such as great facilities (for ceramics, glass and metal), amazing funding (full tuition + TA stipend), several gallery spaces for students and very specialized support. Alfred seems to give great importance to technique and material experimentation as well, and this is a great plus considering the type of work I do. I also feel my work needs some detail refinement, thus making Alfred's emphasis on making a nice asset. Now there are several aspects that make me wonder if it's the right program for me. This is where I would like to ask for your opinions, since I haven't been able to find accurate infromation online. First, I've always lived in a big city. NY is a 5+ hour drive that I would probably do twice a month if possible, but I'm still worried I might miss the stimuli of galleries and museums. This is a big concern since I'm always in the lookout for this kind of imput. The second concern I have is that, from what the page shows, the program does not seem to give that much importance to conceptual work. I feel it tends more towards very technical elaborated art and craftsmanship than conceptual art. I was wonsdering if this is just my own impression or if indeed it is like that. ??? Finally ,I've been trying to find informationabout the program's outcomes in the art world but there is very little word on the internet. I've checked the graduate projects of 2012 and 2013 generations, and I think the quality of the work is pretty good, but I haven't been able to find any well-known artists (other than ceramists) having graduated form this program and I do want a carreer working within the art market. Again, any info about this subjetc would be really appreciated.
  12. Soapeater I applied to Yale mainly because of its proximity to NY city and its funding possibilities. I also applied to Hunter and Alfred, both in sculpture. As you see, I'm aiming at places relatively near to NY. I would really enjoy the availability of museums, galleries and an active art scene, since I come form a place where very little artistic movement takes place.
  13. Thank you Firenze for the kind words. You're right, it's sad, but we have to continue making art and we'll eventually find our own way, hopefully through another program. This is my first time applying, and I only applied to 3 programs. Had I read this thread before, I would've applied to at least 10!!!! It's sad to see your work being flat rejected, but I have to cope with that, and improve. Again, best of luck to everyone apllying.
  14. Hello everybody, I've been following this forum for a while now, and I think we're all nervous and anxious and expecting news. I decided to write here because I just saw that actually Yale has already updated the application status ( you have to open your application and you will see there is an update). Unfortunately, for me it was a rejection. Right now I feel that I suck :ยด(. I sincerely hope that the other readers have been scheduled with interviews. Best of luck to everyone ho's still in the Yale game. ***** I was applying to sculpture
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