Program Applied To: MPA
Schools Applied To: WWS for Field IV (seriously, I was going to apply to more, but I'm already a grad student and these things take a lot of effort. also, it's really only worthwhile to go in my situation - when i'm already working on another degree - if I can get solid funding, and I haven't heard glowing things about SAIS and HKS funding, so I prioritized WWS).
Schools Admitted To: --
Schools Rejected From: --
Still Waiting: WWS
Undergraduate institution: unknown liberal arts school
Undergraduate GPA: 3.76
Last 60 hours of Undergraduate GPA (if applicable): 3.9ish?
Undergraduate Major: Biochem & Polisci
GRE Quantitative Score: 770
GRE Verbal Score: 740
GRE AW Score: can't remember
Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): graduated May '08
Years of Work Experience: 2 full-time in DC, plus lots of volunteer / internship type experiences domestically and abroad
Describe Relevant Work Experience: consulting firm with nonprofit clients - not super applicable, but still solid professional experience. i think the volunteer stuff has been more applicable.
Strength of SOP (be honest, describe the process, etc): adapted from others I've written which have always seemed to do well, not a whole lot of new material in it.
Policy memo (WWS): thought it was kind of fun, got to do research on something I was interested in! Had two friends review this (more than my SOP)
Strength of LOR (be honest, describe the process, etc): one from undergrad professor/mentor, one from work supervisor, one from current professor/work supervisor. likely strong overall, but I haven't had letters from two of these before so it's hard to say.
Other: current masters student in epidemiology/global health at a top school of public health. no econ background in undergrad, and relatively little math, but my current program has a strong stats/quantitative component. applying to complete both programs as a joint degree - I think they'd compliment each other nicely.