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    Lake County, IL
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    Educational Policy

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  1. So at the end of the day, oh and I have been away a while so I havent been able to get on here as much. Stanford Reject Madison Reject USC Reject PSU I never got word about money UCLA full tuition no stipend ASU MLF full tuition, stipend UGA Full tution, stipend Oregon never got word about funding So that is that.
  2. It was weird how I was notified. I received an email inviting me to the open house yesterday and was like this is a mistake, let me email the coordinator. They emailed me today confirming I did get in, when I got home from work, small envelope with final decision. I have gotten funding but no word on a TA or GA position yet. I am emailing my advisor right now to begin this discussion. My decision online has not changed.
  3. I have gotten the official acceptance from UCLA, well official, unofficial acceptance. Sweet
  4. Yo anyone heard from UCLA my status is the same nothing has changed and I havent gotten anything.
  5. CONGRATS!!!!!! I was just over in Madison such a good time. Im sure you will do great there.
  6. Alright there is a huge lul in our action here. After two rejections last week, I for one am glad for the lul. Hopefully my next response is a "heall yeah" from my only CA option left. We shall see.
  7. Man I think I got an inadvertant rejection. I called one of my schools to inquire about my status and got "Thanks for calling, your file is complete." I asked what about final decisions when are they coming out. To which the person responded "YOU, will receive a decision at the end of March or end of April." Should I just go ahead and assume Im done at that school?
  8. @litjust: You havent heard from UWM yet...Im super surprised. Yeah I hear you guys, Im dying for the rest of my results, I check the status pages all to often. I still have four to go, one of which I have a very good connection with, one of which will probably be another and hopefully my last rejection. So that leaves two limbo schools one of which has quickly become my number one choice based on some rejections and tentative rejection. I dont think Im making sense but I know this board knows what I mean. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I have officially been rejected by USC Urban Ed Policy. This was a difficult loss, its the second this week. Hopefully next week brings better news. I know that SUSE and USC are two of the most competitive ed pol schools, but still, I was hoping that at least one would take a chance. Congrats hitomimay.
  10. Are we of the collective mind that if we havent heard anything from POI's at USC we probably will receive a ding letter sometime mid March? Also for UCLA were their any interviews or is it just letters? I keep checking status, no change. Finally does USC's status change if you are accept or reject? Thank you
  11. Rejected from SUSE SHIPS, no go on sending to POLS either as some had the chance. Oh well. Hopefully I still hear from some of my others on the positive. For everyone who did make it in, good luck and congrats. For the rest of us who did not make it in, really its SUSE we cant be sad at all, it like the hardest ED school to get into.
  12. By reading just this thread I have found that there is no rhyme or reason for how the individual "colleges" put out acceptances or rejections. Some dont get interviewed and get letters in the mail, some get interviews and dont hear responses, some get rejections over email, some get notices of status updates, and some of us just spin trying to figure things out. Also I think that before FEB 15th who ever has gotten an acceptance made it to the top of a list very quickly. Someone was looking for your app and they read it, or it was flagged because of some special quality you have, that your POI likes in you. At the end of the day, if we choose to believe this or not, we are still 6 days early on all letters, those of us who have answers should be thanking our lucky stars. The rest of us, we are applicants waiting.................lets keep our heads up and hope that something pulls through on the other end of March. As for SUSE, UCLA lets keep fighting tooth and nail, unitl we find out a firm answer, personally I feel I still have a shot at all the schools I havent heard answers from.
  13. @hitomimay Congrats @Who's Applying for Fall 2012? Where are you Applying? I have been accepted by Penn State, I am one of the individuals on the results page. Who is the other?
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