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About ninnescahsis

  • Birthday 06/16/1984

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Program
    Agroecology/Sustainable Ag

ninnescahsis's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Yep - A graduate assistantship that I'm very grateful for. It's a pretty sweet deal that also involves a tuition waiver so barring me getting a similar offer from any of the other schools I applied to, I'll be attending MSU. I just recieved the official letter form Graduate Admissions in the mail yesterday too. Mine is an M.S. program (in CARRS) so I'm not sure about how much assistanships are spread around. I'd bet that its tied to funding that your POI has for thier own work or research though.
  2. I've gotten my letter from the department saying that they've reccomended me for admissions. Still waiting for the official letter from the admissions office though.
  3. Ok - I google answered my own question about the bike shop. Lo and behold, there looks to be several! SPIN - http://www.facebook.com/pages/SPIN-Bicycle-Shop/183145768378425 MSU bikes - http://bikes.msu.edu/ Denny's - http://dennyscentralparkbikes.com/ Velocipeddler - http://www.velocipedepeddler.com/ Riverfront Cycle - http://riverfrontcycle.com/ Totally awesome.
  4. Hey all, I'm moving to MSU in the fall to start a MS. I have the same questions as danactsalot. I'd love to be able to walk or bike to campus everyday, but I'm also not willing to live in an apartment complex if I can avoid it. Thus, I'm looking for a small house or duplex to rent - and if I can find one with any historial charm or character that would be great (but obviously not a deal breaker if it's just run of the mill.) Does anyone have any suggestions for neighborhoods that would fit that bill? Also, are there any great bike stores in town? I realize that the internet could supply me with things like new tubes and chain grease, but I'd be much happier buying from somewhere local. Thanks!
  5. Hi, I've applied to four interdiciplinary masters programs, all in sustainable agriculture. I wanted to see if any of you had an insight about how Universities do thier acceptances for masters students vs. thier PhD students. It seems like the PhD people who are going to be accepted are getting thier decisions right around now, but that masters student's arent - and won't be hearing until March or after. At least, that's what I'm hearing form my programs. Is that normal? What gives? Is it a funding issue?
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