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placebased's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. I am a successful B Category SSHRC (thus not eligible for the Michael Smith) but I can see the Michael Smith when I click on this link (second link in the previous post) and then "Create a New Form" after logging in....I don't think it is an easter egg for those who are hoping for a CGS!
  2. Without a larger sample size without a larger sample size - it is hard to know how these publications are treated. From the discussions with professors who have served on these committees they seem to be swayed but not wholly shifted by publications. Yet at the same time the rabid publication obsession seems to be rammed down our throats as our only validation. I have decided to move on from this a bit, for now at least, and am exploring websites and ibooks as valid publication vectors. Lots of cool opportunities with these!
  3. good question...I referenced some of this work in the work cited and I didn't put all of these into the application as a listed research contributions. My research contribution had 20 items....one has to choose wisely in these. I am not sure that these have much bearing on the outcome, but perhaps?
  4. Received my successful B Category letter in Victoria, BC for 24 months - serious relief. 22.6/30 I have been working on my PhD for 20 months with a GPA of 4.26/4.33 12 peer-reviewed papers, chapters, Proceedings 2 books and monographs 5 papers in review 17 presentations, exhibitions, and keynotes I have taught and RAd for 5 years in University settings, launched new journals, and founded Canadian Charities A little concerned with the apparent lack of clarity for students getting similar scores. As a instructor of assessment, the lack of transparency around this process - at least in the rubric is very old school.... Good luck to those who are still waiting - and keep fight for those of you who received disappointing letters. I suggest contacting your grad studies department and making your voice and research heard..Obviously they liked your work enough to grade it as an 'A' list.
  5. Agreed. My wife and I have had extensive talks about how these grant processes need not shape our identity, validity, and worth as researchers. My supervisor often says: The people working at the leading edge of thought will be the least likely funded! BTW - still waiting for the postie in Victoria this morning. Oh the paradoxical nature of it all!
  6. Nothing received in Victoria today. I am waiting with baited breath....I was denied Trudeau and Vanier, SSHRC fellowship is all I have left that has any weight.
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