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monkeybrain's Achievements


Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. monkeybrain


    How frustrating! Still, it's a good thing that you were able to get it figured out quickly. A friend of mine in a similar (but different) situation had people coming after her months later, asking for their money back -- and then reissuing incorrectly large cheques at the next pay period.
  2. monkeybrain


    It sounds to me like no news isn't bad news, but rather no news is McGill admins are being dicks. I'm in Toronto and still haven't received my official letter yet.
  3. Posting an incomplete profile, for privacy reasons. Successful/unsuccessful: Successful MA/PhD (if PhD, specify SSHRC/SSHRC CGS/Vanier): PhD SSHRC CGS # of years into program: 1 MA Major Awards & Value: SSHRC MA PhD Major Awards & Value: standard entry funding package Graduate GPA: 3 As, 3 A+s, 2 A- Research contributions/Publications so far: one publication in a small peer-reviewed journal Level/Form of Departmental Support (i.e. SSHRC workshops): one school of grad studies workshop, a few one-on-one sessions with professors, multiple peer-reviews University at the time of application: U of T University where you will take up the award: U of T Note: I applied directly to SSHRC last year and was resoundingly rejected. This year my statement of interest was much, much better. So, it is completely possible to come back from rejection.
  4. monkeybrain


    I feel terrible for those of you still waiting for results. It's completely unnecessary for your school to not tell you ahead of time. Try to keep your hopes up. Good luck! For what it's worth, though -- I don't think that anyone here will have a single list showing everyone who has received an award. My understanding is that there are separate lists for each university. Agreed about "privacy" not being a real issue here -- the results are released publicly in the summer. A simple google search will turn up the list of last years' winners.
  5. monkeybrain


    holy shit, CGS! When I didn't hear from my dept secretary first thing this morning, I had written myself off as unsuccessful. Sometimes, it's good to be wrong...
  6. monkeybrain


    Sunny, I sent you an email. For what it's worth -- the results are posted publicly in August, so I wouldn't be too too fussed about sharing this info.
  7. monkeybrain


    Thank you.
  8. monkeybrain


    OK, it's forty minutes into the workday on Monday. C'mon, results. Let's go.
  9. monkeybrain


    If this is the case, expect to hear a lot of cursing from my end. The earlier information that we received projected MA results to the FGSes on May 4th and PhD results on the 11th. What would be the reason for delaying this by mere days? What can be done in days that couldn't've been done already? Surely the results are already compiled, and it's just a matter of distributing. I can't imagine that anyone is still looking at applications. Cursing cursing cursing.
  10. monkeybrain


    I had really wanted to find out the results today. I didn't expect to, but I wanted to. Just putting that out there.
  11. monkeybrain


    For what it's worth, I think many of us will be rejected by SSHRC, and it won't be because our proposals were crappy -- it'll be because some SSHRC reviewer decided they liked another equally intelligent and deserving student's proposal better. It is possible to write a great proposal, have great letters, have great grades, and still be rejected.
  12. monkeybrain


    Everyone who has heard so far is an MA (or going into their MA), so I would hold off the harassing until Monday or Tuesday. I'm with you in the anxious-PhD-waiting boat.
  13. monkeybrain


    A-list = not B-list. A-list = application made it out of the institution, and on to Ottawa.
  14. monkeybrain


    It's something weird at your university. Try asking someone else. Or show up in their office.
  15. monkeybrain


    I would keep contacting your school officials. I would pester them significantly. I might even show up in their office. Certainly you should show up in your department office. They know! You should be told. Don't wait. Piss people off! That's what I would do. Good luck!
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