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Posts posted by CaliGirl-MSW

  1. A little late but I finally heard back from the CalSWEC stipend, I've been awarded the stipend at CSUN!! :D I also interviewed with a field placement and was offered a Research Specialist position. The placement is in Downtown LA, thankfully! Which means I will only be commuting to the 'valley' twice a week for school. Best of luck for everybody still waiting to hear back!! 

  2. Hey ya'll! 


    Congrats to all! Just wanted to start a new  topic where we can share ideas about housing and even get to know other people in out cohort. 


    As for me, I will be attending CSU-Northridge this upcoming Fall. I will be living near Cal State LA, and we have a spare room preferably for a grad student! If you are interested please send me a message :)

    I dislike going the 'craigslist' way hahaha 

  3. CSUN was my first choice. I also applied to CSULB but haven't heard back from then yet. I submitted my application on the last day for both schools.

    CSULB waitlisted me, and my other programs were just not as small and affordable as CSUN. :) Yay, we'll all be meeting each other tomorrow!

  4. Hi :) I stumbled upon this forum yesterday. Kinda wish I would have found it during the application process but now is better than never. I'm in your 2-yr full time cohort and will be at orientation on Monday. Nice to meet you 


    Hi! :) Nice to meet you as well. Was CSUN your first choice? 

  5. Who has gone to the group interview for CSUN MSW? How was it? and what do they ask? How long after the interview do they let you know if you got accepted? Thanks!


    The interview is with 4-5 other applicants. You get a number which will tell you where to seat and the order of how the questions will be asked. They ask you your name and university/major. And then they go around and ask 'when did you decide that you wanted to attain an MSW and why one with an urban emphasis?' (something within those lines ha-ha). Just be confident, Prof. Paez makes it really welcoming and it really turns into just a conversation. You do have a group exercise and a small write up, the write up is more of them just wanting to know what they can do better or any comments you might of been to shy to say. 


    I was interviewed about two weeks ago, and was informed of my acceptance two days later. Best of luck! 


    PS: parking is packed! get there early, a fellow applicant got there late and they made sure to let her know she was late...since we all had to wait for her :/ 

    & have questions to ask at the end of the interview, it always looks good :) 


    Best of luck! 

  6.  My husband was accepted to both Columbia and NYU msw program. We are from LA and moved to NYC for him to go to Columbia. I now work for Columbia University, my husband is finishing his last year, and my bosses are social workers from Hunter, NYU and Columbia. Per everyone I work with and Husband - GO TO HUNTER!!!! You are paying for the name (Columbia or NYU)! The basic foundation of every program is the same. Every social worker generally will top off at the same pay but if you choose to go to the expensive school be ready to be in debt longer than your colleagues. I am really glad my husband did the MSW first because now since I have been in NYC I have met lots of people from these universities, got to work for Columbia therefore got to really see what each university was really about. I came to a consensus to apply to Hunter, CSULB,CSULA and CSUN, which I have already been accepted to two.  If you have any question about the move to NYC, please let me know. If you are looking for a new experience and to take yourself out of your comfort zone, NYC is the best place to do it. 

    Oh and by the way my husband too had debt from his first masters in LA....so adding the debt from Columbia....we are looking at being in debt for about 25 years using the government repayment plan....and loan forgiveness....yeah we are looking into it too. These programs are what made us  decide to go for the NYC move but in hindsight we would have chosen a less expensive school. Anyway, let me know if you have any questions. 


    Thank you for sharing your experience with me! Now I wish i would of applied to Hunter! I am actually debating between a CSU (DH)and NYU. Can you give me any insight with those two? I've been doing my research, but I'm still torn. At the end of the day NYU is NYU!! Yet, you are completely right, a SW-er doesn't get paid much...I am really scared of coming out with 100K+ loans and end up returning to my current job which I love but the pay is horrible :( 

  7. Does anyone's app still just say "submitted"? That's the case for me and I was wondering if it changes to "under revew" or something along those lines when a decision is imminent.


    My app still just reads 'submitted', and every time I call I get the run-around... :(

  8. yay congrats to you too! I think I'm just going to have to take out a large education loan from my bank, not sure how else I can do it :/ Im telling myself that it is more important that I join a program that is the best for me and I'll deal with the loans later haha So scary!



    I am on the same boat, loans seem to be the only option. I'm trying to research possible loan forgiveness programs in NYU that we could take advantage of....so far no luck... I'm just torned, I graduated from my undergrad with dept and adding more to it just doesn't sound like the smartest thing to do :/

    Best of luck!!!! :D

  9. Just got accepted to NYU! $7,000 scholarship and I am really considering going. This is all really dependent on my Columbia decision which I have fingers crossed about!



    Congrats!!!! I woke up to that wonderful email as well!!


    I had a small question, could I ask how will you be financing your program if you decide on NYU?

    The pricetag is the ONLY thing keeping me in doubt :/

  10. Unfortunatly, social workers typically make around $37,000-$57,000 a year. Did you get money to go to NYU? I got accepted there last year and deferred my admission but ultimately won't be going there because of the high price tag :( . Finances play a big role and nobody likes a high amount of debt!


    Thank you for your reply Sarah! I completely agree with you, NYU is pricey and while they did offer me a $10,500 scholarship I feel that I must take into consideration travel, living and personal expenses which are not covered by their tuition price tag... I'm scared that the only reason I am even considering attending NYU is due to the city not the university....


    May I ask where you will be headed this year for your MSW? 

  11. Decisions!!

    I woke up to the wonderful news that I was accepted to NYU! My dream school!!! 


    But.....I need advice.... my other accepted school is CSU-DH, which is conveniently only 20 mins away from home and much cheaper than NYU :/ Also, my long-term boyfriend opted out from attending University of Miami for his phD and decided on UC Davis in order to be just a driving distance from family and me.. So as you can tell I am completely torn! I currently work in a very good social services agency in which everybody keeps mentioning that it is a 'no brainer'; to choose NYU! 


    Any advice???

  12. Received my first rejection letter yesterday... :/ sad to say, this one was completely unexpected. CSULA stated they plan on keeping my application on file, yet received so many applications for 2013 that they can't offer me a spot for their Fall quarter. Gotta admit it feels like a low blow, it was my first choice... 

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