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Everything posted by MjamesPDX

  1. Just got the bad news.. UO sent me my rejection finally today.. good luck to everyone else! Looks like it’s the end of the road for me. If anyone gets in please let us know, we’re rooting for ya!
  2. Dude, same! I couldn’t bring myself to spend the money on applying to safety schools knowing that I’d be unhappy there anyways.. UO was the only program I applied to and if I don’t get in this year I’ll probably reapply next year too. This has been quite the marathon, haha. Well good luck and hopefully no news is good news!
  3. Wait, are you serious?? I emailed them twice so far and last I heard they said end of March.. now they’re pushing it back a third time? Also- it’s a little crazy that they’re waiting until after April 15th to send out notices.. Most ppl, including lots of folks on these forums, have already had to commit to programs and put deposits down. I’m also guessing that they’re just not doing interviews this year? Kind of strange.. With such a tough applicant pool this year you would think interviewing would make things easier for them?? I don’t know what to think anymore. Lol Can you post a photo of the email for us to read please?
  4. Oh my gosh.. 8?! That’s two less than they said during Grad Review.. this is driving me totally bonkers?
  5. Sorry to hear about your bad news How did you hear from UO if you don’t mind me asking? Did they send you an email or did you just check the gradweb profile?? EDIT: You’re the first person I’ve seen mention them, so I’m curious how they’re rolling them out..
  6. For some reason my google analytics isn't working right... I have an art station account and I can see on their end that I'm getting big website hits even as recent as this morning, but on google I'm not getting any information.. Edit: Nevermind, figured it out lol
  7. More updates on UO. Just got an email from a gal I met at Grad Review in the Fall and apparently the department head emailed her directly letting her know she’d been placed on the waitlist. What that means for the rest of us I’m not sure.. Has anyone else heard anything like this? I guess if we’re not on the waitlist then I guess we’re either in or out at this point!
  8. I know I feel you! They must’ve really gotten a huge applicant pool this year.. At this point I’m considering no news to be good news, honestly. She said that they would update our GradWeb profiles when they make a decision, which is kind of confusing because it makes me feel like they aren’t even holding interviews this year.. But who knows! I really considered this school to be under the radar but this is the first year the program is 100% funded for all admitted students, so that might explain the increase in applications. Let’s just all keep each other posted!
  9. Just got word from UO... They still haven’t made any decisions yet and according to the admissions office it won’t be until the end of the month.. Apparently there were “many excellent candidates this year.” Just keep breathing my friends!
  10. I’ve heard over and over again, do NOT pay for grad school. It’s not worth it. Teaching jobs are increasingly difficult to come by after school anyways, having a mountain of debt to add to that stress is gonna suck really bad. Just my two cents?
  11. Gahh, this is driving me crazy!! It’s been over two months and still no peep from UO. They’ve gotta be getting close to sending out invites, right??
  12. If you hear anything back from UO let us know!
  13. It is pretty crazy! I have a really stupid amount of student loan debt from undgrad, so graduate loans are completely out of the question for me.
  14. Keep the faith! Lots of schools are dragging their feet right now.
  15. So just out of curiosity- and I throw this question out there for everyone- how do you guys plan on making up the difference in tuition costs and living fees after your scholarship money offers? Some schools for instance have a $55,000+ per year tuition cost, plus a mandatory $1000+ health insurance fee, several academic fees and then of course there’s room and board.. Are you guys taking out graduate loans or how are you paying for all this? I know it’s not ideal, but I think I’ll have to continue working a part time job just to pay rent while in school What’s your guy’s academic financial plans?
  16. That’s super exciting!! Was Pratt your top choice?? I’m not 100% sure what the average scholarship amount is from Pratt specifically, but $15,000 per semester seems like a good little chunk of money for sure!
  17. There’s a group of us here still waiting to hear back as well.. I don’t think anyone has gotten an invitation to even interview yet. The admissions department sent me an email on Feb 15th saying that applications were still being reviewed and that they expect invitations to go out early March.. sooo any day now. Keep checking back
  18. There's a handful of us waiting for University of Oregon still.. Admissions office said interview notifications would most likely go out early March. One more week!
  19. Why are you regretting applying?
  20. Okay so I cracked this morning and sent an email to the admissions assistant at University of Oregon to get an update.. Interview invitations were supposed to be sent out mid Jan to mid feb according to their application materials, but I got an email back saying this: "Hi Michael, the MFA application committee is has not yet completed their review of the applications. We expect notices in early March." So for anyone else who applied to UO.. don't hold your breath just yet. We've still got a few more weeks to go!
  21. I'm sorry I know you were waiting a while to hear from them..
  22. Congrats!
  23. Dude, good luck!!! Tell us how it went
  24. Trying so hard to stop myself from emailing the graduate studies office and being annoying, haha! Please tell me this is a bad idea.
  25. Not sure if anyone applied, but figured I'd share with the community here just in case you did.. My alma mater, the Oregon College of Art & Craft, is officially closing it's doors in May of this year for good.. This includes the joint MFA program with PNCA. It's been a long battle with debt and after several failed attempts to merge the campus with other local art institutions, the board finally voted to close for good. Super sad
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