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Josh J.

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Posts posted by Josh J.

  1. I wasn't able to get in here using the URL.  Had to google it and then go to the psychology board before hoping over to history....very odd.  The message I got when going straight to the URL almost looked like someone had deleted the index file for the main site. 

  2. I've found acacdemia.edu to be a nice way to get your name out there a bit. I've posted the book reviews I've published up there, along with audio from some conference presentations.

    They will let you know when someone searches for you. I had someone at Stanford search out a book review I wrote and then explore my whole profile, and Academia.edu emailed me to let me know. Didn't seem to help with admittance, however.

  3. I just started reading Lincoln's Virtues: An Ethical Biography, for a review essay that I am writing for a course on Religion and the Civil War.  It is actually a page turner, I'm quite surprised...that, and I've actually already gotten a good laugh out of the first few pages.  

  4. It's likely Vanderbilt will notify soon. The committee is meeting on Monday to decide their admits.

    Mind if I ask what the source of this information is?  I had heard something different, but your info makes more sense considering the timing of admits on prior years...

  5. Josh, I applied to modern Europe (Germany) to work with Blackbourn and Applegate. Both geniuses so I am very eager to hear back...but if you say it'll be a few weeks then I guess my waiting is not over yet!

    I'm hoping he's wrong, I don't wanna wait that long! Last two years they've sent out on February 13.

  6. Anyone know when Vanderbilt will start sending out admits? 

    Marte108, what field are you applying to?

    I have an app in at both the Graduate Department of Religion and the History Department, and right now I am in the Divinity School.  I spoke with my advisor today, who is the DGS for the GDR.  The GDR has interviews on Monday and Tuesday next week, and then will make admit decisions probably the week or two after that.  The History Department typically sends out admits after GDR does, because there is quite a bit of overlap in faculty and quite a lot of folks interested in studying religion in both departments.  

  7. Argh. Anybody else experience trouble concentrating on work this week? It's been incredibly difficult to get anything done with all the anxiety/distractions. At least the weekend will bring the relief of knowing that no news will arrive the next two days.

    When I finally got home from school last night, I read to my son and then went to bed.  Normally I would have been up another five hours or so studying/writing, but I just couldn't do it.

  8. Well, thanks to Yale and Stanford, I will definitely be killing a bottle of scotch tonight.


    With all the money wasted on those applications, I could have bought a REALLY nice bottle of scotch and actually had something to show for it...

  9. HOLY CRAP GUYS!!!! I got into NYU!  I just got a call from the DGS and they are VERY impressed with my application. They are flying me up in a couple of weekends for the prospective student thing.  I am ELATED.  It's such a huge weight off my shoulders; I burst into tears when I hung up. I'm still shaking.

    Congrats! So happy for you!

  10. Same here. There were only a couple I didn't feel were too much of a reach, and one of them has already notified :/

    My professors were confident I was a good fit everywhere I applied, and so far, my top picks have ignored me.... Know how you feel...

  11. I talked to a POI today who told me that while I was the top applicant in my field today, that the school won't be taking any people from my field this year....and now Stanford made admit calls and I didn't get one... 

  12. I am 35 and have a ten year old. Finishing up a masters degree right now, and it has been a struggle. It's been very difficult to make sure I am there to help with homework, read books with him, and just even sometimes even being available with the amount of coursework to do.

    I came to academia late. Did college for a year right out of high school, almost failed out because I didn't want to be there. Restarted school nine years later, did an AA, then the BA, now the masters and applying for the PhD. It is very different to be in class with 24 year olds, and to be teaching people who were born my freshman year in high school....

  13. Did the University of Washington really send out notifications today?


    That is how I felt with the Yale admits came out on Friday.  But hey, there are only two so far.  Maybe there are more coming.

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