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Posts posted by guitargeorge

  1. Hey All,


    I am blessed to be in a fantastic program, but for a variety of reasons, I would rather be in another.  Was wondering if I could share my story in the hopes that someone who has transferred programs (or not) could provide some advice...


    Fall 2012 - contact and meet with POI and lab.  Meeting was great (believe me, I've been to enough awkward meetings to know when it doesn't go well).


    Winter 2012 - Apply to a variety of psych PhD programs.  Rejected from POI's school, but get accepted into a much higher rated one (I know these rankings are a bit arbitrary, but to give you an idea, the one that rejected me was in the US News 40's and the one that I am in now is in the teens).  Don't hear back from POI above.  Accept the higher ranked school.


    Fall 2013 - Start current program


    Feb 2014 - realize that I would be much happier at other school (complicated and don't want to bore with details, but I'm sure of it) and email POI to ask about 2014 or 2015 availability.  POI writes nice message stating that it's too late for 2014 and that she isn't sure of funding for 2015.  A bit vague, but not necessarily discouraging.


    Anyway, as is so commonly stated on this forum, what are my chances?  I'm well aware of how rough the admission process can be for "new" students, but have no idea about folks who have completed at least a year at another program.


    Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!

  2. Hi All,


    I'll be starting a PhD in Cognitive Psychology program in the fall and one of the main pieces of advice that I keep hearing is to always be on the look out for additional funding.  Problem is, I have no clue where to look for it.


    Anyone have any good recommendations to find grants and scholarships?



  3. Hi All,


    Starting a PhD program in the fall and looking for some advice on to get my fiance excited about the move.  Some background:


    We've been together  for 3.5 years and have lived together for the last 1.5.  Got engaged last summer and are getting married right before my program starts.  From day one, she has known about my career goals in academia and has always been supportive and encouraging.  We did pseudo-long distance (2 hrs away) for a year when I did my masters and I moved to the city where she was after I finished.  


    I applied to many PhD psych programs this past winter and she played an active role in the process - together we made a list of schools/locations that would work for both of us.  We couldn't help but adapt a mindset of moving on and starting a new chapter in a new city and we we're both excited.  About a month ago, my prospects of admission were looking quite grim and we had to accept the fact that we would likely stay here for at least another year.  It was tough, but after a month of "selling" her (and myself) on staying, we finally began to feel comfortable.  Then, seemingly out of nowhere, I was offered admission to a top program on Friday and had to accept on Monday (which I did). 


    To make a long(er) story short, her reaction to the acceptance has been overwhelmingly supportive, though her personal feelings towards the move fluctuate between excitement and high anxiety.  The fact that the last two months have been such an emotional roller coaster hasn't helped.  I think her main fears center on finding a new job and adapting to life with a grad student husband.  Obviously, this is something in which we have discussed and planned on for a long time, but when reality kicks in - especially when it is so sudden and rapid - it can be a tough adjustment.


    Anyway, I'm looking for any advice from folks who may have been in a similar situation.  Ways to increase the excitement and/or help with the difficult aspects.  For what it's worth, we're both 28. 


    Many thanks!

  4. Hi All,


    I'm looking for some advice on how to reach out to a POI to ask about my status.  Allow me to give some background:


    Interviewed at one of my top choices just over two weeks ago.  I sent out "thank you" emails to most of department (including potential adivisor) a couple days later and got usual generic replies that day.  Haven't heard anything since.


    I know (from these forums, actually) that the person "competing" for a spot with my potential advisor got accepted last week.  Realistically, I'll probably get waitlisted, or perhaps flat rejected, so there really isn't all that much to be hopeful for.  Still, playing the waiting game (even for disapointing news) has been brutal, and I'd like to be able to move forward sooner, rather than later. 


    So... I'm wondering, is it appropriate to contact my POI to check in on what's going on?  If so, is there a tactful way of doing this?  Does anyone have any examples?


    Appreciate the help everyone! 

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